Urine Potassium Tips

Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Your Child!

Homeopathy Doctor, Mumbai
Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Your Child!
Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Your Child!

Becoming a parent completely changes your world. You are more concerned about your kids health, their safety, diet and hygiene. All you want to provide them is best of everything. Now a days parents are aware of the side effects caused by conventional medicines. Hence most of the parents opt for safe and natural way of treating even minor ailments.

Homeopathic medicines are the most safest and side effect free compared to other holistic treatment available. Hence millions of the parents across the globe prefer homeopathy over any other mode of treatment for their kids. Due to the safety these medicines provide, it is ideal treatment option for infants, toddlers and older children.

Homeopathy medicines are effective in treating various symptoms that a child faces. It could be allergies, simple cold, fever, infantile colic, constipation, earaches, dentition problems or even behavioural disorders, homeopathy has a cure for all. The medicines work on strengthening the immunity and hence keep illnesses away.

Here are the top 10 homeopathic medicines you can keep it with you to deal with minor health issues if your child

1) Aconitum napellus

sudden high fever with a red dry face and lots of anxiety
croup attack in the middle of the night
2) Allium cepa

colds or allergies with lots of sneezing, itchy, watery runny nose and watery eyes
3) Apis mellifica

any rash that is itchy, red, and stinging and feels better with an ice pack on it (insect bites, hives, sunburn)
4) Arnica

the #1 medicine for any ache, bruise, sprain, head bonk, or trauma of any sort. A must in any parents diaper bag or backpack!
also great for use topically as a cream or gel (just don't apply to cuts or scrapes as it can be irritating to open skin)
5) Arsenicum album

the #1 medicine for vomiting and diarrhea from stomach flu or food poisoning with weakness and anxiety
asthma attacks in the middle of the night
6) Belladonna

sudden high fever with clammy, bright red face and agitation. Your child may even be a little delirious.
7) Chamomilla

teething pain with lots of irritability and crankiness. There may be associated ear pain, green diarrhea, and lowgrade fever
8) Ferrum phosphoricum

the #1 medicine to start when your child has an earache
low-grade fevers that come on slowly at the start of any illness
9) Hepar sulphuris (for this medicine, please use a 30c dilution)

swimmer's ear
anything with pus (earaches with thick pus behind the eardrum, abscesses or boils, etc.)
stinging sore throat as though there were a splinter stuck in it
10) Nux vomica

upset tummy from too many sweets or indulgences, vomiting helps your child feel better
anger and irritability with difficulty sleeping when really stressed (i. E, when school demands are too high)
colds or allergies with lots of sneezing, itchy, watery runny nose and watery eyes
Some guidelines to remember-

I recommend dilution of 30c. In general, though the potency selected depend on your child's symptoms


will be same for all age:- 3 pellets
repetition of dosage depends on the severity of illness. For hives, you may be giving the pellets every 1/2-1 hour, whereas for a bruised shin you may be giving pellets 2-3x/day.
try to give the pellets away from food and drink by at least 15-20 minutes. But don t worry if that doesn t happen it still works! the main thing to avoid is minty foods, drinks or toothpaste close to taking the medicines.
You are on your way to make your own homeopathic kit!
Be sure to check with your paediatrician if you child continues to have fever for more than 2 days, if the child is acting confused, if he/she has any breathing troubles, or if he/she looks dehydrated or is in severe pain.
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Soft Drinks And Kidney Disease!

General Physician, Bangalore
In this summer many people want to drink soft drinks or packed fruit juices like real or tropicana to satisfy their thrist, but countries like india where the temperatures are high this behaviour may cause kidney damage. Hot and humid climate causes increased metabolic load on the kidney to excrete the high waste generated due to dehydration. If we take sugar based drinks which contain fructose it will further increase the load on the kidneys by increasing the uric acid production in body. So to protect your kidney better avoid soft drinks and consume more water or you can take traditional indian drinks like butter milk or lime water which provide more electrolytes to the body.
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Urine Colour - What's Normal & What's Not?

MBBS, MS - General Surgery, DNB (Urology)
Urologist, Ghaziabad
Urine Colour - What's Normal & What's Not?
Human urine is a useful tool for the diagnosis and detection of several health conditions. The colour, smell and density of your urine can reveal a lot about the state of your health. Colour, especially, is a strong determinant of many ailments or concerns.

Here is a list of the health conditions you might be suffering from, based on the colour of your urine:

Straw colour to transparent yellow colour: This urine colour signifies that your body is healthy and perfectly hydrated. This should be the normal colour of urine, which shows you are in good health.
Transparent or clear: Transparent and extra clear urine indicates that you have drunk too much water, which leads to the transparent appearance. It happens due to overhydration.
Dark yellow colour: This shade of urine is considered normal, but it may indicate some amount of dehydration. You need to drink more water to eliminate the darker yellowish tinge from your urine.
Honey colour: Urine of honey colour signifies dehydration and you must consume increased amounts of water.
Pink or red colour: Your urine may have a pinkish red shade when you consume foods like carrots, beets, blackberries and rhubarb. This may also happen due to the effect of some antibiotics or a drug which treats urinary tract infections. The presence of blood in your urine is indicated by these colours too, and it can lead to kidney diseases, UTI, prostate problems or tumors.
Orange colour: Your urine may have an orange colour which resembles the colour of orange soft drinks. This occurs as a result of a high dose of vitamins and several antibiotics. This colour may also indicate dehydration or problems related to the kidney or bile duct.
Blue or green colour: Such shades may be present in your urine because of dyes present in food items and medications. Your urine may turn blue or green, signifying several other medical conditions which require immediate medical attention.
Foamy: If your urine has a foamy appearance, irrespective of the colour and shade, you need to consult a doctor. The consistent foamy or frothy appearance of your urine may indicate the presence of protein in your urine, which further signifies problems in the kidneys.
Maple syrup colour: Urine of this shade indicates a severe case of dehydration or liver diseases.
Your urine tells a lot about your health by its colour, odour and density. The colour is an essential determinant for detecting several health conditions, which may be simple or chronic in nature. In case of abnormal urine colour or appearance, you should consult a doctor without delay.
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Dehydration - Know Signs You're Not Drinking Sufficient Water!

MD - Internal Medicine
General Physician, Ahmedabad
Dehydration - Know Signs You're Not Drinking Sufficient Water!
Water is the most important ingredient in the body. About 60% of the human body is water, and the heart and brain are almost 70% water, while the lungs have about 80% water. A healthy adult should be drinking about 2.5 to 3 L of water on a daily basis. That being the case, it is not surprising that someone who does not drink enough water faces multiple issues. The severity of the symptoms also depends on how much the dehydration has set in. It is easier to correct these in the initial stages by just increasing the water intake. When left to progress, in addition to forcefully drinking water, other symptoms may also need to be treated.

Metabolism: The body s overall metabolism is reduced with less water intake. This means that the body s ability to remove wastes and flush out toxins is reduced. There is more toxin accumulation within the body, leading to chronic diseases.
Digestion: Water is essential for the digestive process and motility of the colon, and lack of this can lead to motility disorders. Constipation is one of the first side effects of not drinking enough water.
Temperature regulation: The water helps control body temperature, and lack of water leads to increased body temperature. The associated symptoms also follow with poor circulation, low blood pressure, increased heart rates, general lethargy, lack of focus, and low energy levels.
Increased sugar levels: Sugar breakdown requires water, and lack of it can lead to greater levels of sugar in the bloodstream.
Poor skin: Skin requires water for optimal texture and tone, and lack of it can lead to dull, sagging skin which can be difficult to maintain, leading to cracks and even bleeding in severe cases.
Mental effects: As noted, the brain is almost 70% water, and not drinking up enough water can lead to lack of focus, delirium, and even unconsciousness. In severe cases, it can lead to hypovolemic shock and seizures.
Kidney stones: The kidneys are important excretory organs and help remove wastes and toxins from the body. For this to happen, water is an important medium. Not drinking enough water leads to stone formation, which is accumulated waste, which could not be flushed out due to lack of water.
Continued shortage: If water shortage continues, there could be swelling of the brain, kidney failure, coma, and even death.
Drink adequate amount of water, and see the life inside you come alive. It is a habit which is definitely hard to kick. Those who are used to regularly sipping water can feel their cells craving for water when they have not gulped down enough water for a while.

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Dietary Fats - Are They Essential?

Diploma in Nutrition and Dietitics, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Nutrition & Child Care
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Gurgaon
Dietary Fats - Are They Essential?
Below mentioned are the benefits of dietary fats:

1. Fats are considered to be the best source of energy that is derived from food for the body.

2. Fats which contain Medium Chain Fatty Acids, like coconut oil, help in weight loss. The good fats, increase the fat burning, reduce unhealthy cravings, and prevent unhealthy storage of fat in the body.

3. Fats from good sources are beneficial for weight gain in case of an underweight person.

4. Fats are known to maintain body temperature as they provide heat. Heat insulation is provided by the fat under the skin.

5. The calories from the fat are saved in the body as a fuel.

6. Fats which are healthy increase the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K along with mineral absorption.

7. Carotene is converted to vitamin A by the good fat and this is good for the eyesight.

8. Fats are considered to be good lubricants and prevent dehydration.

9. Protective padding is provided by fat around vital organs.

10. Healthy fats prevent the body from experiencing inflammation, thereby improving immunity.

11. Healthy building blocks are formed for hormones and cell membranes by fats. The good fats are used by the body to build the cell walls. The 10 trillion cells in the body require fats to metabolize insulin.

12. Fatty acids which are found in healthy fats such as caprylic acid are believed to act as anti-viral substances and antibacterial by lauric acid.

13. Butyric acid which is found in some fats like ghee help in reducing the risk of cancer.

14. Good and high-quality fats help in memory enhancement, mental functions, and happiness and learning abilities.

15. Fats like coconut oil, castor oil and ghee lubricate the colon and provide support in digestion and elimination process.

16. Ghee is considered to have some medicinal properties as it has the ability to absorb nutrients from the herbs. These fats also carry herbs to the desired tissue or organ.

17. Fat is believed to be a good source of food for pregnant women as it helps with the development of the child's brain.

18. Healthy fat rich foods are also dense in nutrients such as minerals, calcium and Vitamin E, A, D, K.

19. Flexibility and endurance are promoted by healthy fats which is very helpful in people who work for long shift hours that are physically demanding.
3223 people found this helpful

Salad - How Useful Is It?

BSc Food & Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Hyderabad
Salad - How Useful Is It?
Salad is no longer considered a poor man's diet. Gone are the days when the sole purpose of having a salad was to lose the stubborn and unwanted body fats. Salads can be extremely healthy and nutritious. With salads around, the long and gruesome hours in the kitchen are a thing of the past. A bowl full of lip-smacking salad, well structured with fruits, vegetables and quality oils, will do your health a world of good. Say yes to salads and its benefits will leave you with a mouth open awe. Preparing salads is no rocket science. Get all the ingredients together, and savour in the palatable powerhouse of health and nourishment.

- A feeling of fullness like never before: Experiencing an irresistible craving for food? Salad is at your service. A bowl of salad will give you a feeling of fullness, keeping the hunger pangs and cravings at bay. With salads, you don't even need to be repetitive. A little modification; and your taste buds are in for a treat.

- Say no to dehydration: Most of the vegetables that go into your salad have high water content. Scorching summers or sweltering heat can leave a person dehydrated. Salads come as a great relief. It works amazingly to hydrate your body, thereby re-energizing you fully.

- Lettuce to fight insomnia: If a good sleep is all that you desire, salad is what you need. 'Lactucarium', a substance found in lettuce, work miraculously to treat insomnia. All the more reasons to include lettuce leaves in your salad.

- The goodness of vitamins and minerals are retained: A lot of important vitamins, minerals and some enzymes (mostly digestive, that gets denatured) are lost to cooking. Taking in raw vegetables ensure that important vitamins and minerals are not lost. Some raw vegetables contain important enzymes (live) that can greatly aid in the digestion process.

- A salad rich in broccoli, avocados, bell peppers, berries are a rich source of antioxidants. Such salads work wonders and are an excellent boost for the immune system.

- Do not let wrinkles and saggy skin bother you. Some of the fruits and vegetables present in the salad help in collagen synthesis, thus giving your skin a natural glow. It is needless to say that spinach, lettuce and romaine, that form an integral part of your salads, are excellent for the eyesight.

- Walnut oil, sunflower oil (organic), olive oil and pumpkin seed oil are rich in omega fatty acids. Using these oils in salad dressings can be extremely beneficial.

- Some of the fibrous fruits and vegetables can effectively clean the intestine and colon.

The benefits of salads are immense.
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Paralysis Of Lower Limbs!

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MS - General Surgery, MCh - Neuro Surgery
Neurologist, Raipur
Paralysis Of Lower Limbs!
There are various forms of Paralysis. Paralysis of the lower limbs is one of the most severe forms of Paralysis. It is also known as Paraplegia. People suffering from such Paralysis lose all sense below the waist. They cannot move their legs or hips, cannot void without help, and cannot have intercourse. They barely feel anything below their waist. However, the degree of inability may vary from one person to another.

In people suffering from such Paralysis, there is usually substantial impairment in movement. Though such inability is not necessarily permanent, rarely do people recover from such inability. Lower Limb Paralysis may put people at risk of deep Vein Thrombosis.

Causes of Lower Limbs Paralysis:

Paralysis of the lower limbs usually results from injury to the spinal cord or the brain. However, spinal cord injury is the most common cause of such Paralysis. Such injuries inhibit the ability of the brain to receive and send signals from lower limbs. Causes of such inability may include:

Infections in the spinal cord

Lesions of the spinal cord

Tumors in the brain

Infections in the brain

Nerve damage at the hip or waist.

Oxygen deprivation in the brain or spinal cord due to choking, violence, or surgical accidents.


Congenital spinal cord deformities such as Spina Bifida etc.

However, the most common cause of Lower Limb Paralysis is congenital spinal deformity, such as Spina Bifida. The degree of Paralysis depends on the location of the spinal lesion and the extent of spinal cord or nerve damage. Some people with spinal lesions may even walk independently if the lesion is lower down the spine. However, people with upper spinal lesions are usually not able to do that. They may require ortho shoes as well as walking aids in order to ambulate. If these don t work, they may need wheelchairs for mobility. Usually these people learn to ambulate with the aid of ankle foot orthoses.

Treatment of Lower Limbs Paralysis:

There is no treatment for Paralysis. However, in some cases, people suffering from Lower Limb Paralysis are able to regain some of their ability with the help of physical therapy. What physiotherapy does is that it retains the spinal cord and the brain to strengthen nerve connections and muscles so that patients can work around their limitations. If paralysis is due to some underlying cause, removal of the cause can treat the patient.

If an infant is found to be suffering from Spina Bifida, doctors can operate on his spinal cord and bring down the severity of the problem. Such children are less likely than others to use walking devices.

Bowel and Bladder Management:

This is a serious aspect of Lower Limb Paralysis. Patients need to undergo routine bladder and bowel evaluation and device management plans to reduce the risk of organ damage.


There is hardly any treatment for Lower Limb Paralysis. However, physical therapy may solve some of the problems. If it does not, management of bowel and bladder and watching out for deep Vein Thrombosis should be done on a regular basis.

One can also use alternative methods like Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Massage, and other holistic treatments. However, it is always recommended to consult an orthopedic doctor before opting for any methods.
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Water Deficiency - How To Identify It?

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MD - Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases / Pulmonary Medicine, Fellowship in Critical Care Medicine, Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (IDCC (ISCCM))
General Physician, Hyderabad
Water Deficiency - How To Identify It?
Water is the most critical component for all organisms, and since 2/3rd of the human body is made of water, a person can hardly survive for about 72 hours without it. For understanding the impact of water in the body, it is essential to comprehend what it does. Right from helping in digestion to controlling calorie intake to regulating and maintaining body temperature to lubricating the eyes and joints, the functions of water are endless.

Dehydration can cast a negative impact on body function since it causes electrolyte dysfunction. And the bad news is that most people can go unaware of this condition. Therefore, it is crucial to know about all the warning signs of dehydration so that you can take quick action and prevent yourself from further complications.

Poor concentration along with confusion - Since the human brain is 90 percent water, water deficiency can have a negative impact on a person s thinking abilities and decision-making skills. Lack of water in the body manifests itself through forgetfulness, amnesia, difficulty in thinking and communicating. It has been found that dehydration can also pave the way for mood swings.

Dizziness and headaches - These are some of the most common outcomes of dehydration since it leads to a reduced amount of fluids around the brain. This fluid is essential since it functions as a buffer that shields the brain from mild shocks. It can cause migraines and irritation headaches since it reduces the flow of oxygen and blood to the brain.

Dry mouth and foul breath - When you are dehydrated, your body is not able to produce enough amount of saliva which has antibacterial properties. This causes foul breath since there is bacteria attack in the oral cavity. Dry mouth is another important symptom of dehydration since water functions as a lubricant that keeps the mucous membranes in the throat, hydrated which prevents dry mouth.

Sudden cravings for food - People tend to mistake thirst with hunger, and they end up overeating. When you are not taking enough water, your body will send false signals to the brain that you are hungry while a glass of water is all you need.

Constipation and other digestive problem - The work of water is to hydrate all the tissues in the body, and the digestive system is no exception to this. Water can keep the gastrointestinal tract clean and supple which helps in regulating the bowel movement and prevent constipation.

The reduced urge of urination - If you feel that you don t need to urinate after every few hours, your body may be in need of more water. Dehydration also contributes to change in urine color and in case you have dark amber-colored urine, it means you should drink up more water.
So, whenever you notice such signs, understand that you have to consume more water regularly.
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8 Reasons To Say Yes To Salad!

M.SC Food and Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Noida
8 Reasons To Say Yes To Salad!
Salad is no longer considered a poor man's diet. Gone are the days when the sole purpose of having a salad was to lose the stubborn and unwanted body fats. Salads can be extremely healthy and nutritious. With salads around, the long and gruesome hours in the kitchen are a thing of the past.

A bowl full of lip-smacking salad, well structured with fruits, vegetables and quality oils, will do your health a world of good. Preparing salads is no rocket science. Get all the ingredients together, and savor in the palatable powerhouse of health and nourishment. Say yes to salads and its benefits will leave you with a mouth open awe.

The benefits of salad are -

1. A feeling of fullness like never before - Experiencing an irresistible craving for food? Salad is at your service. A bowl of salad will give you a feeling of fullness, keeping the hunger pangs and cravings at bay. With salads, you don't even need to be repetitive. A little modification; and your taste buds are in for a treat.

2. Say no to dehydration - Most of the vegetables that go into your salad have high water content. Scorching summers or sweltering heat can leave a person dehydrated. Salads come as a great relief. It works amazingly to hydrate your body, thereby re-energizing you fully.

3. Lettuce to fight insomnia - If a good sleep is all that you desire, salad is what you need. 'Lactucarium', a substance found in lettuce, work miraculously (miracles) to treat insomnia. All the more reasons to include lettuce leaves in your salad.

4. The goodness of vitamins and minerals are retained - A lot of important vitamins, minerals and some enzymes (mostly digestive, that gets denatured) are lost to cooking. Taking in raw vegetables ensure that important vitamins and minerals are not lost. Some raw vegetables contain important enzymes (live) that can greatly aid in the digestion process.

5. A salad rich in broccoli, avocados, bell peppers, berries is a rich source of antioxidants. Such salads work wonders and are an excellent boost for the immune system.

6. Do not let wrinkles and saggy skin bother you. Some of the fruits and vegetables present in the salad help in collagen synthesis, thus giving your skin a natural glow. It is needless to say that spinach, lettuce and romaine, that form an integral part of your salads, are excellent for the eyesight.

7. Walnut oil, sunflower oil (organic), olive oil and pumpkin seed oil are rich in omega fatty acids. Using these oils in salad dressings can be extremely beneficial.

8. Some of the fibrous fruits and vegetables can effectively clean the intestine and colon.

This will help you know what should go into your salad as the benefits of salad are immense.
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Lack Of Water In Body - 5 Signs Of It!

MBBS, MD - Medicine, FACC, FRCP
Internal Medicine Specialist, Delhi
Lack Of Water In Body - 5 Signs Of It!
Water is indispensable for the human body as 90% of the brain and almost 60% of an adult body is chiefly made up of water. Water is just as important as any of your meals. Each cell and organ depends on water for its proper functioning and for flushing out toxins and fats from the body. An average man must consume roughly 3 litres (10-12 glasses) of water per day, and a woman requires about 2.5 litres (8-10 glasses). If you're not meeting this requirement, you might be fall prey to dehydration.

The state of water deficiency or dehydration can be determined through various symptoms. Read on to know the 5 most common signs:

1. The colour of your urine is dark

The colour of your urine indicates your health. The lesser the water you drink, the darker is the colour of your pee. If your urine is pale yellow, you drink a sufficient amount of water. If it's dark yellow and concentrated, it's a sign for you to refill on water. Also, if you haven't urinated for more than two hours, you should immediately gulp 2 glasses of water.

2. You experience frequent headaches

Headaches are often caused by dehydration when the pressure from your blood vessels falls. Dehydration makes it tough for your heart to pump enough oxygen to the brain. Drinking sufficient amounts of water ensures the flow of oxygen in your body.

3. You feel dizzy and fatigued

Lack of water can often lead to laziness and restlessness. It may also cause a rapid change in your blood pressure. Low or high blood pressures are stimulants of fatigue. Water gives you instant energy that wakes up your whole system, thus making you feel revitalised.

4. You have constipated bowel movements

Water is one of the top natural remedies for constipation or troubled bowel movements. If your fluid intake is low, you're likely to have stomach, gastric and bowel problems. The digestive system depends on water to help food move through both the intestines. It checks the functions of the digestive tract, while also keeping it flexible and clean.

5. You experience brain fogs and blackouts

Your brain cells and nerves react severely to water loss. You may start feeling a lack of concentration along with temporary memory loss. Blackouts are common when you have a deficit of water. You might even experience difficulty in carrying out cognitive tasks.

If you're experiencing similar issues, you must enhance your daily water intake. You can try carrying a sipper around, which allows you to keep a tab on your water consumption. To relish water as a refreshing beverage, you can infuse freshly chopped fruits and herbs in a pitcher of chilled water. This flavoured water also cleanses your body of all toxins and chemicals, thus keeping you fresh.
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