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USG Scan - Doppler Single Lower Limb with Marking Test

USG Scan - Doppler Single Lower Limb with Marking Test

A Doppler USG scan uses reflected sound waves to see the flow of blood through a blood vessel. It also helps doctors to assess the flow of blood in major arteries and veins(the arms, legs, and neck). It can used to see whether there’s blockage or reduced flow in the major arteries of the neck. This problem could lead to a stroke .This test can also find blood clots in leg veins i.e, deep vein thrombosis(DVT) that can break or block blood flow to the lungs. This is called a pulmonary embolism.

Inform your doctor if you’re going under some medicinal treatments, have undergone any previous surgeries, have any form of allergies or if you are on certain medications before the USG. You may be asked to change your clothes either partially or fully and wear a hospital gown depending on the area to be examined. You may be advised to not eat or drink anything for up to 12 hours depending on your case. Your doctor will give specific instructions for you to prepare better for this USG scan.

After performing this USG , the physician writes a report in
which some points are crucial:
1. The condition of the deep vein system (DVS), its permeability
and compressibility, and whether it is sufficient or not
2. The permeability and compressibility of the superficial vein
system (SVS), the presence or absence of superficial
insufficiency indicating the veins or vein segments;
3. Which perforator veins are sufficient or not;
4. The shunts are present or not;
5. Mapping of the flux direction, insufficient veins, perforators,
and shunts.

An ultrasound unit generally consists of a computer to process images, a monitor for displaying the video,and a transducer.USG is based on the principle of light, as it can reflect from a mirror. Tissues in our body will offer varying degrees of resistance, known as acoustic impedance, to the path of the ultrasound beams. Liquids, including blood have a low impedance, which means that little energy will be reflected from them making visualization close to impossible. The important exception being the blood flow is very slow it can be seen in in an USG.

Average price range of the test is between Rs.250 to Rs.1000 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is USG Scan - Doppler Single Lower Limb with Marking Test?
Preparation for USG Scan - Doppler Single Lower Limb with Marking Test
Uses of USG Scan - Doppler Single Lower Limb with Marking Test
Procedure for USG Scan - Doppler Single Lower Limb with Marking Test
Price for USG Scan - Doppler Single Lower Limb with Marking Test
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