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Venous Blood Gas Test

Venous Blood Gas Test

also known as: vbg, blood gas

Venous Blood gas tests are done to measure the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your blood. The test also measures the balance of acids and bases in your blood caused by lactic acidosis or diabetic ketoacidosis. Venous Blood Gas test is done using blood from the vein. These tests are done if there is an injury that affects breathing, or you are having trouble breathing. It can also be done if you have acid building up in the body. This helps in assessing whether lungs and kidneys are working properly, and whether the blood has the right balance of acids and bases.

The blood will be taken from your arm. So wear a something with short sleeves, sleeves of which can be rolled up easily. There is usually no special preparation for this test. If you are using oxygen therapy, be sure to tell the technician how much oxygen you are on, for and how much time you have been on oxygen before the test. You do not need to fast or alter your diet before VBG test. You can eat and drink normally. Always follow specific instructions given to you by lab..

The usual results include measurements of the oxygen level, carbon dioxide level, bicarbonate level, and pH (the measure of the acid-base balance). Abnormal results of the blood gas components may indicate one or more of the following issues: You are not getting enough oxygen You are not getting rid of enough carbon dioxide There is problem with your kidney function All other components of the blood gas analysis are interrelated and the results must be considered together. Certain combinations of results, if abnormal, may indicate a condition that is causing acidosis or alkalosis.

As elastic band will be wrapped around your upper arm to stop the flow of blood and make the veins visible. Area of skin where needle is to be inserted will be sterilized using antiseptic. Needle will be injected in the vein which is visible. More than one needle stick may be needed. A tube will be attached to the needle to fill it with blood, and blood will be transferred to vessel labeled with your name A gauze pad or cotton ball will be put over the needle site as the needle is removed. The will be taken right to the lab for testing.

whole blood
Smooth-E syringe (956- 463)

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Table of Content

What is Venous Blood Gas Test?
Preparation for Venous Blood Gas Test
Uses of Venous Blood Gas Test
Procedure for Venous Blood Gas Test
Specimen Requirements
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