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X-Ray (4 Views) Test

X-Ray (4 Views) Test

Your doctor would usually order for abdominal X-rays to determine the causative factors behind
your abdominal issues and he may also order for posterior X-rays to check and see if your chest area
is clear of any infection. Usually, your doctor would order for all these X-rays to be carried out as
part of your complete medical test and they enable your doctor to develop a comprehensive medical
profile, as well as obtain a better picture of your overall health. But your doctor can also order the
same individually, especially if you start experiencing some of the following symptoms,
Abdominal swelling
Abdominal pain
Feeling bloated
Difficulty in taking deep breaths
Difficulty in swallowing
Sharp pain and discomfort in and around the chest
Body aches, joint pain
If any of the above sounds familiar, then you need to seek immediate medical attention since they
can all lead to serious health complications

Your doctor would first assess your symptoms, review your complete medical history before ordering for the X-rays to be carried out. He could well order for X-rays, abdominal, posterior and Lateral (side to side) which should provide him with a complete picture of your health and enable him to rule out several causative factors behind your current symptoms. You are not required to undergo any additional prep for the X-rays but you do have to inform your doctor whether you are pregnant, whether you are taking any medication at the moment etc.

These X-rays are often essential enabling doctors to firm up a diagnosis which is why they are often used as a diagnostic tool. It is vital that you get yourself checked out regularly, so that you can take better care of yourself.

The lab technician would first ask you to disrobe and wear the hospital gown; he would then ask you to lie flat on the table while positioning the X ray machine to take images of your abdomen; he may also ask you to lie on your side to take the X-rays from a different position. He would then line you up against the wall for your chest X-rays, and take the required images from various positions so as to provide your doctor with a more comprehensive set of films. The film should be processed and ready to be reviewed in a few hours; your doctor on reviewing your X-rays should be able to rule out several health conditions as causative factors and may even order additional tests to confirm his initial diagnosis. Once he diagnoses your condition, he would then prescribe an effective course of treatment as well as medication to offset your current symptoms.

Average price range of the test is approximately Rs.250-500depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is X-Ray (4 Views) Test?
Preparation for X-Ray (4 Views) Test
Uses of X-Ray (4 Views) Test
Procedure for X-Ray (4 Views) Test
Price for X-Ray (4 Views) Test

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