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X-Ray Knee (Both) (AP / Skyline View) Test

X-Ray Knee (Both) (AP / Skyline View) Test

The knees are one of the most critical parts of the body. So if there is any malfunction, doctors immediately recommend X-Ray in both the knees. An AP and Skyline view is always necessary for getting a better conception of the situation. An ‘AP’ view provides the doctor with a deep insight into the distal femur, proximal tibia & fibula, patella, and knee joint. It has been found that doctors always recommend this test whenever there is a fracture, lesion, or bony changes post degenerative joint disease. An X-Ray Knee ‘skyline’ view or in other words, ‘sunrise’ view is recommended only if the standard views are normal and a patellar fracture is still suspected. It is sometimes also recommended for assessing patellar dislocation.

X-Rays are standard tests, hence, there are no special preparations required for it. However, it is always advisable to wear loose and comfortable clothes so that the patient never faces any kind of difficulty at the time of the test. They must also remove every kind of metallic objects and jewelry from the body before entering the room. Besides this, the patients are also required to inform the doctor about any prior surgeries, diseases, or metal implants since the metallic paths can block the rays from penetrating the tissues. Along with these, the patients must also abide by all the instructions as given by the doctor.

The sole purpose of the X-Ray is to obtain clear images for the purpose of treating every sort of deformity. Some of the benefits of AP and Skyline View are as follows – Skyline view helps in diagnosing tibial plateau fractures. It enable the doctors to get a detailed report about that particular area. There can be a depression on the surface of the plateau, or a displacement of a fracture fragment, or sometimes both. Skyline view reveals it all.

A clear and distinct image from each and every angle is quite necessary for the purpose of knowing about the present scenario. It is always important to measure the alignment of the lower limb, so for achieving this purpose a patient is made to stand on a long leg alignment film. This, in turn, shows the ankle, hip, and knee on one X-Ray film. The lines are then drawn to measure various angles around the knee, this primarily includes the anatomical and mechanical axis of the lower limb.

Average price range of the test is between Rs.250 to Rs.500 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is X-Ray Knee (Both) (AP / Skyline View) Test?
Preparation for X-Ray Knee (Both) (AP / Skyline View) Test
Uses of X-Ray Knee (Both) (AP / Skyline View) Test
Procedure for X-Ray Knee (Both) (AP / Skyline View) Test
Price for X-Ray Knee (Both) (AP / Skyline View) Test

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