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X-Ray Thigh Test

X-Ray Thigh Test

Thigh X-ray is a safe and painless test that uses a small amount of radiation to make an image of a person’s upper leg. Thigh X-ray can help find the cause of symptoms such as pain, limp, tenderness, swelling, or deformity of the upper leg. It can detect a broken bone, and after a broken bone has been set, it can help determine whether the bone is in satisfactory alignment. If surgery of the upper leg is required, an X-ray may be taken to plan for the surgery and to assess the results of the operation. X-ray can help detect cysts, tumours.

A femur X-ray doesn't require any special preparation. You may be asked to remove some clothing, jewellery, or any metal objects that might interfere with the image. Developing babies are more sensitive to radiation and are at more risk for harm, so if you are pregnant, be sure to tell your doctor and the X-ray technician. You should tell your doctor if have any previous damage in your leg. Before some types of X-rays, you're given a liquid. such as barium and iodine. It helps to outline a specific area of your body on the X-ray image.

In general, X-rays are very safe. Although there's some risk to the body with any exposure to radiation, the amount of radiation used in a femur X-ray is small and not considered dangerous. It's important to know that radiologists use the minimum amount of radiation required to get the best results. The positions required for the X-rays may feel uncomfortable, but they need to be held for only a few seconds. If you have an injury and can't stay in a required position, the technician might be able to find another position that's easier. After the X-rays you need to wait for image processing.

The complete procedure takes 15 minutes but exposure to radiation is just for a second. You will be asked to enter a special room that will most likely contain a table and a large X-ray machine hanging from the ceiling. Now, Portable X-Ray machines are also coming used in ICU departments. The technician or radiologist will position you either lying or standing, then step behind a wall or into an adjoining room to operate the machine. Two X-rays are usually taken from front and side, so the technician will return to reposition the leg for each X-ray.

Average price range of the test is between Rs.250 to Rs.500 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is X-Ray Thigh Test?
Preparation for X-Ray Thigh Test
Uses of X-Ray Thigh Test
Procedure for X-Ray Thigh Test
Price for X-Ray Thigh Test
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