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Y Chromosome Deletions ( DNA ) - 10 Test

Y Chromosome Deletions ( DNA ) - 10 Test

Y-Chromosome infertility is a condition that affects the production of sperms, making it difficult or impossible for affected men to father children. In case of Y-Chromosome infertility, an affected man’s body may either produce no sperm cells known as azoospermia, a lesser number of sperm cells than usual known as oligospermia or sperm cells with an abnormal shape. In some cases, the patient may have mild to moderate oligospermia, in which case they can father children naturally eventually. In other cases assisted reproductive technologies are available to help the affected men. Y- Chromosome microdeletions are transmitted to all the male offsprings if the reproductive technologies are used. Y –Chromosome –Deletion test is ordered to determine the cause of infertility in men. It also helps predict the effectiveness of assisted reproductive technologies in men with specific Y chromosome microdeletions. The prevalent signs in order to prescribe this test include the duration of infertility, childhood urologic diseases or surgical procedures, any current or recent chronic illness, the social history of smoking and alcohol, spinal cord injury and family history.

No special preparations are required before undergoing the test. A simple blood test is required for the analysis, thus it is required for the patient to wear sleeveless clothes or loose full sleeve shirt for the comfortable process. The patient is advised to inform about all the medicines he takes to the doctor and if the patient is suffering from any kind of allergies before appearing for the test.

Y chromosome microdeletions are commonly detected in men with Azoospermia (absence of sperms) Severe oligospermia (< 1 million sperm /mL semen) Microdeletions frequently involve one or more of three Azoospermia factor (AZF) regions. • Positive oAZFa deletion – spermatogenic failure (SCOS) resulting in azoospermia oAZFb deletion – azoospermia/spermatogenetic arrest oAZFbc deletion – SCOS/spermatogenic arrest oAZFc deletion – variable phenotype ranging from mild oligospermia to azoospermia and SCOS Only AZFc microdeletion appears to be associated with successful assisted reproduction technology AZF deletion – SCOS associated with azoospermia • Negative – lack of detection of AZF microdeletion Greatly reduces the possibility of Y chromosome deletion as the cause of azoospermia or oligospermia

Y Chromosome Micro Deletion Karyotyping Blood is done using Karyotyping method on a Blood sample. A band is wrapped around the arm, preferably near the elbow pit such that vein is clearly seen The area is cleaned with 70% alcohol The needle is inserted into the visible vein causing a small prick and the required amount of blood sample is collected The collected blood is transferred into the blood container from the nozzle and the syringe is hygienically disposed immediately

whole blood
lavender top / yellow top tube container
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Y Chromosome Deletions DNA
All age groups
Rs 6000- Rs 9000

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Table of Content

What is Y Chromosome Deletions ( DNA ) - 10 Test?
Preparation for Y Chromosome Deletions ( DNA ) - 10 Test
Uses of Y Chromosome Deletions ( DNA ) - 10 Test
Procedure for Y Chromosome Deletions ( DNA ) - 10 Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Y Chromosome Deletions ( DNA ) - 10 Test
Price for Y Chromosome Deletions ( DNA ) - 10 Test
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