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For Doctors

Betanol 40mg Capsule TR

Manufacturer :  Solvate Laboratries Pvt Ltd
Medicine Composition :  Atenolol
Prescription vs OTC : Prescription by Doctor required

About Betanol 40mg Capsule TR

Betanol 40mg Capsule TR is primarily prescribed for the treatment of hypertension, alone or in combination with other agents; management of angina pectoris, postmyocardial infarction patients.

Betanol 40mg Capsule TR is known to be a beta blocker, that is, the drug slows down the effect of some chemical that occur naturally in the body. The drug lowers blood pressure as well as heart rate causing less strain on the muscle. It is generally prescribed to those patients suffering from hypertension (high blood pressure) and angina (chest pain).

The medicine should be taken as per the dosage on the prescription. Over dosage of the drug can lead to complications. Depending on the affects the drug has on a patient, the doctor may make variations to the dosage. Doctors generally advise that this drug should not be discontinued suddenly as it can further worsen the side effects of the drug.

Take exactly as directed. Do not increase, decrease, or adjust dosage without consulting prescriber. Take pulse daily, prior to medication and follow prescriber's instruction about holding medication. Do not take with antacids.

Do not use alcohol or OTC medications (eg, cold remedies) without consulting prescriber. If diabetic, monitor serum sugars closely (may alter glucose tolerance or mask signs of hypoglycemia).

May cause fatigue, dizziness, or postural hypotension; use caution when changing position from lying or sitting to standing, when driving, or when climbing stairs until response to medication is known. May cause alteration in sexual performance (reversible).

Report unresolved swelling of extremities, difficulty breathing or new cough, unresolved fatigue, unusual weight gain, unresolved constipation, or unusual muscle weakness.

    Information given here is based on the salt content of the medicine. Uses and effects of the medicine may vary from person to person. It is advisable to consult a Cardiologist before using this medicine.

    What are the uses of Betanol 40mg Capsule TR

    Information given here is based on the salt content of the medicine. Uses and effects of the medicine may vary from person to person. It is advisable to consult a Cardiologist before using this medicine.

    What are the contraindications of Betanol 40mg Capsule TR ?

    Information given here is based on the salt content of the medicine. Uses and effects of the medicine may vary from person to person. It is advisable to consult a Cardiologist before using this medicine.

    What are the side effects of Betanol 40mg Capsule TR ?

    Information given here is based on the salt content of the medicine. Uses and effects of the medicine may vary from person to person. It is advisable to consult a Cardiologist before using this medicine.

    Key highlights of Betanol 40mg Capsule TR

    • How long is the duration of effect?

      This medicine is excreted in urine and feces. The effect lasts for a duration of 12 to 24 hours.

    • What is the onset of action?

      The peak effect of this medicine can be observed in 2 to 4 hours.

    • Are there any pregnancy warnings?

      Women who are pregnant must consult doctor before using this drug.

    • Is it habit forming?

      No habit forming tendencies were reported.

    • Are there any breast-feeding warnings?

      This medicine is not recommended for breastfeeding women. Use only if clearly needed under the doctor's supervision. Monitoring of blood pressure and blood glucose levels is necessary.

    • Does this affect kidney function?

      Dosing interval for oral atenolol in renal impairment:

      • Clcr 15-35 mL/minute: Administer 50 mg/day maximum.
      • Clcr <15 mL/minute: Administer 50 mg every other day maximum.
      • Hemodialysis: Moderately dialyzable (20% to 50%) via hemodialysis; administer dose postdialysis or administer 25-50 mg supplemental dose.
      • Peritoneal dialysis: Elimination is not enhanced; supplemental dose is not necessary.

    • Does this affect liver function?

      Caution must be taken in patients with liver disease. Adjustment of dose might be needed. Kindly consult your doctor before taking it.

    • Is It safe with alcohol?

      Caution must be taken drinking while taking Betanol 40mg Capsule TR to avoid consequences.

    • Is it safe to drive while on this medicine?

      This medicine might affect the consciousness of the patient, and cause side effects like blurred vision or dizziness. Patient must avoid driving if experience any of these side effects.

    Information given here is based on the salt content of the medicine. Uses and effects of the medicine may vary from person to person. It is advisable to consult a Cardiologist before using this medicine.

    What are the dosage instructions?

    • Are there any missed dose instructions?

      If you miss a dose of this drug, take it as soon as you remember. If it’s almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose. Do not double your dose to make up for the missed dose.

    • Are there any overdose instructions?

      Seek emergency medical treatment or contact the doctor in case of an overdose.

    Information given here is based on the salt content of the medicine. Uses and effects of the medicine may vary from person to person. It is advisable to consult a Cardiologist before using this medicine.

    Where is the Betanol 40mg Capsule TR approved?

    • India

    • United States

    • Japan

    Information given here is based on the salt content of the medicine. Uses and effects of the medicine may vary from person to person. It is advisable to consult a Cardiologist before using this medicine.

    How does this medication work?

    This drug blocks beta receptors sites in the heart, blood vessels, and lungs. It results in inhibition of epinephrine resulting in relaxed blood vessels, thus the pressure is lowered and blood flow to the heart is improved.

      Information given here is based on the salt content of the medicine. Uses and effects of the medicine may vary from person to person. It is advisable to consult a Cardiologist before using this medicine.

      What are the interactions of Betanol 40mg Capsule TR ?

      Whenever you take more than one medicine, or mix it with certain foods or beverages, you"re at risk of a drug interaction.

      • Interaction with Alcohol

        Consumption of alcohol should be avoided while taking this medicine, especially when you start taking the medicine or a change its dosage. Symptoms like headache, dizziness, change in pulse or heart rate should be reported to the doctor.
      • Interaction with Lab Test

        This medicine might affect the serum level of glucose and HDL. Thus you must inform your doctor if taking this medicine before undergoing pathological testing.
      • Interaction with Medicine

        • Alpha-blockers (prazosin, terazosin): Concurrent use of beta-blockers may increase risk of orthostasis.
        • Ampicillin, in single doses of 1 gram, decrease atenolol's pharmacologic actions.
        • Antacids (magnesium-aluminum, calcium antacids or salts) may reduce the bioavailability of atenolol.
        • Clonidine: Hypertensive crisis after or during withdrawal of either agent.
        • Drugs which slow AV conduction (digoxin): Effects may be additive with beta-blockers.
        • Glucagon: Atenolol may blunt the hyperglycemic action of glucagon.
        • Insulin and oral hypoglycemics: Atenolol masks the tachycardia that usually accompanies hypoglycemia.
        • NSAIDs (ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxen, piroxicam) may reduce the antihypertensive effects of beta-blockers.
        • Salicylates may reduce the antihypertensive effects of beta-blockers.
        • Sulfonylureas: Beta-blockers may alter response to hypoglycemic agents.
        • Verapamil or diltiazem may have synergistic or additive pharmacological effects when taken concurrently with beta-blockers.
      • Interaction with Food

        May be administered without regard to meals.
      • Interaction with Disease

        • Administer cautiously in compensated heart failure and monitor for a worsening of the condition (efficacy of atenolol in heart failure has not been established).
        • Avoid abrupt discontinuation in patients with a history of CAD; slowly wean while monitoring for signs and symptoms of ischemia.
        • Use caution with concurrent use of beta-blockers and either verapamil or diltiazem; bradycardia or heart block can occur. Avoid concurrent I.V. use of both agents.
        • Beta-blockers should be avoided in patients with bronchospastic disease and peripheral vascular disease (may aggravate arterial insufficiency). Atenolol, with B1 selectivity, has been used cautiously in bronchospastic disease with close monitoring.
        • Use cautiously in diabetics - may mask hypoglycemic symptoms. May mask signs of thyrotoxicosis.
        • May cause fetal harm when administered in pregnancy. Use cautiously in the renally impaired (dosage adjustment required). Use care with anesthetic agents which decrease myocardial function.
        • Caution in myasthenia gravis.

      FAQs about Betanol 40mg Capsule TR

      • Ques : What is Betanol 40mg Capsule TR?

        Ans : It has Atenolol as an active ingredient present in it. This medicine performs its action by promoting blood flow in the body. Atenolol is also used to avoid muscle to contract and coronary atherosclerosis.

      • Ques : What are the uses of Betanol 40mg Capsule TR?

        Ans : It is used for the treatment and prevention from conditions and symptoms of diseases like coronary atherosclerosis and muscle contraction.

      • Ques : What are the Side Effects of Betanol 40mg Capsule TR?

        Ans : Side effects of this medication include tiredness, drowsiness, dizziness, depression, etc.

      • Ques : What are the instructions for storage and disposal Betanol 40mg Capsule TR?

        Ans : Atenolol should be stored at room temperature, away from heat and direct light. Keep it away from the reach of children and pets.

      • Ques : Should Betanol 40mg Capsule TR be taken with a meal or without a meal?

        Ans : It is advised to take Betanol 40mg Capsule TR with a meal for its better absorption.

      • Ques : What are the dietary instructions of Betanol 40mg Capsule TR?

        Ans : It advised to avoid orange and apple products for at least 4 hours after taking Betanol 40mg Capsule TR, as it prevents the full absorption of the medicine.

      • Ques : Is Betanol 40mg Capsule TR safe for diabetic patients?

        Ans : Betanol 40mg Capsule TR should be used with caution in diabetic patients, as it masks the low blood sugar levels.

      • Ques : Is Betanol 40mg Capsule TR safe for cardiogenic shock?

        Ans : Betanol 40mg Capsule TR is not recommended for patients with a history of cardiogenic shock.

      • Ques : What is the half-life of Betanol 40mg Capsule TR?

        Ans : The half-life of Betanol 40mg Capsule TR is between 6 to 7 hours.


      • Atenolol-Drug Information Portal [Internet] 2022 [Cited 1 June 2022].Available from:

      • Atenolol-DrugBank Online [Internet] 2022 [Cited 1 June 2022].Available from:

      • ATENOLOL Tablet,solution-DailyMed [Internet] 2022 [Cited 1 June 2022].Available from:

      Disclaimer : The information produced here is best of our knowledge and experience and we have tried our best to make it as accurate and up-to-date as possible, but we would like to request that it should not be treated as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment.

      Lybrate is a medium to provide our audience with the common information on medicines and does not guarantee its accuracy or exhaustiveness. Even if there is no mention of a warning for any drug or combination, it never means that we are claiming that the drug or combination is safe for consumption without any proper consultation with an expert.

      Lybrate does not take responsibility for any aspect of medicines or treatments. If you have any doubts about your medication, we strongly recommend you to see a doctor immediately.

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