Montair Lc Tablet Side Effect

2 weeks ago I delivered my baby. During pregnancy I have started nasal congestion and depending on the otrivin adult drop for 6 months continue. Now congestion still persists. Please suggest some medication for reducing inflammation. I have done endoscopy, there is nothing except swelling (hypertrophy turbinate. One ent prescribes only montair fx and steroid sprays, which are not working. I want to withdraw otrivin.

Dr. G.R. Agrawal 95% (38414 ratings)
DHMS (Hons.)
Homeopathy Doctor, Patna
2 weeks ago I delivered my baby. During pregnancy I have started nasal congestion and depending on the otrivin adult ...
Hi, lybrate user, •Inhale steam, once, daily. •Drink , lukewarm water . • Pour mustard oil in nostrils at bed time. Consult , privetly for a faster recovery, till then take, homoeopathic medicine, underlying : @ Natrum mur -5 drops, thrice. •Avoid dust , smoke, scorching sun, cold intake and cold invironment. Tke , care.
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My kid is five year old and he has been taking montair lc syrup since five months now. He gets the trigger of coughing once a day and it stops only with the administration of 5 ml of montair. We have done all his tests and found him allergic to dust. I just want to know if there any side effect of montair lc syrup and he is on treatment and doctor advised us for three months of nebulization of foracort 0.5 mg.

Dr. N S S Gauri 95% (159289 ratings)
Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (B.U.M.S)
Unani Specialist, Kanpur
Follow these herbal combinations for complete cure kumar kalyan ras 1 tablet twice a day sitopiladi avleh 5 gm twice a day relief in 3-4 days and for complete cure take it for 60 days only avoid spicy and oily food.
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I am pregnant women of 2 months gestational age. Since I came to know about my pregnancy I got pregnancy rhinitis which is so severe. I took steam inhalation and applied saline nasal spray oftenly .i am having good effectiveness in montair lc but ineffective in levocetirizine. But till now I didn't took any medicine. Can I take montair lc continuously till my pregnancy.

Dr. Sujata Sinha 95% (3346 ratings)
M.B.B.S, Post Graduate Diploma In Maternal & Child Health
I am pregnant women of 2 months gestational age. Since I came to know about my pregnancy I got pregnancy rhinitis whi...
Cetrizine is fine and so is monteleukast but if possible you should try additional measures to control your symptoms. Per se they are not contraindicated in pregnancy.
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I am having itching and irritation in both palms, sole of feet, and mouth since 1 month. I tried montair lc but it didn't help. Sometimes I also feel itchy in whole body and develop small rashes for sometime.

Dr. Shikhar Tripathi (Homeopath) 92% (155497 ratings)
BSc, BHMS-Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine &Surgery , Clinical Training & Case Management
Homeopathy Doctor, Lucknow
I am having itching and irritation in both palms, sole of feet, and mouth since 1 month. I tried montair lc but it di...
Hello Lybrate user, use homoeopathic medications for your problem to get instant and effective results. Its curable, no need to worry about. Homoeopathic medicines plays excellent role to treat such problems in a hollistic way without any side effect. I suggest you to message me your complete history in private chat with all reports & details & consult online through Lybrate. I will guide you for holistic & effective results with homoeopathy! take care! best regards:)
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My 3.11 year old sons cold is not going since 7 months .i tried nasal spray for 1 month he sleep fine during this month even after 20 days when I stopped the spray. But his problem start again from last 25 days .i consult aguvedic doc. And she prescribe 1. Amlaki rasayan 2. Mulethi 3.sadbindu oil 4. Water water to drink I am doing this since 48 days but his condition is not improving. Pls suggest what should I do?

Dr. Karuna Chawla 95% (121284 ratings)
Homeopathy Doctor, Noida
My 3.11 year old sons cold is not going since 7 months .i tried nasal spray for 1 month he sleep fine during this mon...
Homeopathy is a very effective for this problem n has very encouraging results. And homeopathic medicines are safe and do not have any side effects at all. Safety of the medicines is a major issue when you are to give any medicine to your child.
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My 2 year old started coughing 4 weeks back. Ther is no cold or fever not really clear what's triggering his cough but he coughs until he throws up. The only thing that's helping him is montair lc kid syrup and the effect lasts for 24 hours and soon after that the coughing starts again. He's already taking the syrup for more than 2 weeks now. I've taken him to many doctors got his blood test and x rays done all are normal but still the coughing doesn't go. The paediatric pulmonologist who prescribed is recommending to switch to puffs if symptoms don't stop eve after 15 days of montair lc kid. Can someone help me how I can help my kid.

Dr. Krishnan Nair M P 95% (917 ratings)
General Physician, Ernakulam
Your kid --- most probably ----had allergic problems leading to cough----as you know--allergic problems are due to exposure to one or more items--- like ---room dust ; extreme cold or hot weather /atmosphere--- exposure ; smoke ; pungent smells ; insect bites/licks ; contact with chemicals ; some food items ; mental states like anxiety ; fear etc ; exercise ; pollen grains --- and----- by finding out the allergens --in the case of your kid and avoiding contact with them ---you -----to control the allergic response. Thank you so much for asking this question about this most common problem in our community.
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My mom 69 years of age, took montair fx and alex syrup for 5 days and her cold and dry cough was gone. 3 days after stopping these meds symptoms reoccur, she again takes montair fx and gets better. What can we do about her allergic cough. She do not always cough. Its mostly evening or night.

Dr. Vilas Misra 91% (782 ratings)
ENT Specialist, Lucknow
Dear lybrate-user, relax and calm down. Please tell your mom to not self medicate as she has no idea about the medicines she is taking. Therefore she must consult a good ent specialist so that a proper sino-nasal evaluation takes place and a diagnosis is acheived and thorough treatment is done.
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