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ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi Green Tea Classic

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What is Tulsi Green Tea Classic and its uses?

Organic India’s Tulsi Green Tea Classic is a mixture of natural products that are rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients. Rejuvenation is a very vital property of it.


  • It boosts metabolism
  • It aids in weight loss
  • The presence of holy basil with green tea leaves helps in boosting immunity
  • It helps in rejuvenation
  • It also works as a stress buster

    Why Choose ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi Green Tea Classic?

    At the core of ORGANIC INDIA, it is the duty to be the epitome of affection and awareness in real life. ORGANIC INDIA works with a large number of little ranchers with more than a thousand sections of land organic farmland.

    Ingredients That Makeup Tulsi Green Tea Classic



    Tulsi or known by English Name 'Holy Basil' is the plant found in the Indian Subcontinent and Central Africa. Tulsi is a hallowed plant in India and viewed as 'Queen of Herb'. It is antibacterial and antiviral. One of the plants which are generally utilized in culinary. Tulsi has many recuperating properties. Tulsi gives common cell reinforcements that enable our body, against the destructive free radicals.
    Green Tea

    Green Tea

    It is one of the most broadly devoured beverages. Green Tea loads with part of nutrients and cancer prevention agents, that aides against free destructive radicals as well as keeps illnesses under control. In this day and age, as individuals have known the advantages of green, they are expanding Green Tea normally.
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    Consolidating Tulsi and Green Tea profoundly improves the advantages of one another amazingly. Devouring ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi Green Tea, you get the advantage of one item as well as the two items significantly.
    1. A strong plenitude of phytonutrients and cancer prevention agents against harmful free radicals.
    2. Tulsi Green Tea underpins the Cardiovascular framework.
    3. The mix of Tulsi and Green Tea profoundly improves the insusceptible framework.
    4. It advances detoxification.
    5. It additionally helps in against respiratory issues.
    6. It additionally helps in controlling glucose levels.
    7. Battles against regular hack and cold.

    What are the key benefits of Tulsi Green Tea Classic?

    • Organic’s Tulsi green tea is rich in antioxidants and other nutrients
    • This product enhances respiratory functions
    • It also works as a stress buster
    • It is good for detoxification and supports immune system
    • It is also good for maintaining heart health

    Directions for Tulsi Green Tea Classic

    • Put the infusion tea bag in a cup
    • Pour some hot water in the cup
    • Leave the infusion bag in hot water for 3-4 minutes
    • The green tea is ready

    You can add sugar to it as per the taste and requirement. It is recommended to have 2 cups of unsweetened green tea daily for better effect.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is Organic Tulsi Green Tea Classic bitter in taste?

    No, Organic Tulsi Green Tea Classic is not bitter in taste. Still, if required, you can add honey to it.

    Why should I drink Organic Tulsi Green Tea Classic?

    Organic India is second in the list of favourable green tea brands available in India. Organic Tulsi Green Tea is beneficial for weight management. It helps in stress reduction and rejuvenates the body.

    Are all tea bags separately packed?

    Yes, each tea bag is packed in a separate sachet for better feasibility while using them.

    Can it be consumed on an empty stomach?

    It is advised not to drink green tea on an empty stomach, as this may lead to acidity. It may also cause dehydration.

    Customer Testimonials

    This ORGANIC INDIA Classic Tulsi Green Tea is just amazing. It helped me in many ways like losing weight, also performed as a stress reliever, etc. I love to consume it and it is beneficial.
    It helped by detoxifying my body and keep it healthy and well maintained. I always take it during snack time. ORGANIC INDIA Classic Tulsi Green Tea also helped in improving my skin color and hair strength.
    I had heard a great deal about the advantages of green tea however incorporating it into my diet, I encountered its focal points. I felt increasingly enthusiastic and it had a great deal of effect on my skin. As my skin is acne-prone, drinking green tea caused my skin to dispose of pimples and skin break out. ORGANIC INDIA tulsi green tea classic turned out to be all the more clear and furthermore began to sparkle!
    Richa Jain, Maharashtra
    Drishti Singh, Telangana
    Garima Sharma, Ghaziabad
    Disclaimer: While we ensure that all product information on the platform is complete and accurate, however, we advise you not to solely rely on this information. It is recommended to refer to the product manual and/or specifications provided by the manufacturer either on their website or along with the product. This is applicable for all warnings, labels, ingredients and usage directions as well. The use of any information provided on this platform is solely at the user's risk. Nothing contained on this platform shall be considered as medical advice. Consumers are advised to contact the manufacturer for any further information and assistance. The results from the products will vary from person to person, No individual result should be seen as typical.