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Alka 5 Syrup Alka 5 Syrup

Alka 5 Syrup

Quantity Description: bottle of 100 ml Syrup
Manufacturer: Charak Pharma Pvt Ltd
Price: ₹ 71.0

Information about Alka 5 Syrup

ALKA-5 is a herbal Syrup that works as an alkaliser in the human body. The Syrup helps in maintaining the normal urine pH balance. It is composed of herbal components such as Yavakshara, Shwetparpati, Dhanyak (coriandrum sativum), Jeerak (Cuminum cymium) and gokshura.

Benefits of key ingredients:
Yavakshara and Shwetparpati acts as a mild diuretic and showcases anti-inflammatory properties. Yavakshara significantly reduces the irritation in the bladder and urinary passages. It helps in alkalising the urine in severe conditions
Gokshur also acts as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory liquid. It serves as a lithotryptic agent helping in the dissolution of the calculus.
Jeerak serves as an anti-spasmodic and anti-microbial agent in the syrup.

The syrup is recommended for the treatment of dysuria, urinary tract infections, urethritis, cystitis and sunstroke.

Use under medical supervision

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Popular Questions & Answers

Im a 21 years old my stool is white yesterday I had a stomach pain and I took alka zeltzer.

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor,
Im a 21 years old my stool is white yesterday I had a stomach pain and I took alka zeltzer.
Hello User... White stool means no bile.. There must be problem with liver or gallbladder. Take proper check up. Don't take any medicines blindly.

Hello doctor, I'm alka 21 years old and I have some dental problems, which is like I feel pain only sometimes in my wisdom teeth not always and it was just mild pain not that severe and it's gone after sometimes then again repeat so can you please suggest what should I do. I'm worried. Thanks.

BDS (Gold Medalist)
Dentist, Gurgaon
Hello doctor, I'm alka 21 years old and I have some dental problems, which is like I feel pain only sometimes in my w...
Hi lybrate-user! Well your symptoms suggest that you suffer from Pericoronitis, which means that the gum tissues around your wisdom teeth become inflamed, on and off. It's very common with the youngsters these days as the nature is slowly eliminating the not quite used wisdom teeth as part of an evolutionary process, because our diets have become too refined, so there's not much use of extra teeth to chew the food. You should not panic and immediately visit a dentist for the check-up. He would take an X-Ray of the affected tooth and will suggest you the remedy, most probably being a "painless" extraction of the tooth. Meanwhile, just try to maintain a good oral hygiene and occasionally rinse mouth with lukewarm water with a pinch of salt added to it. It serves as a natural mouthwash. Private consult's welcome. Take Care!
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I have been suffering from yeast infection forever. It occurs during summers every time. My question is whether it's permanent .if it is even curable. Please suggest some medication for this. Like a cream or even oral medicine. I take "alka 5" from charak .it seems to give a few hours relief. But does not work permanently.

MD - Homeopathy
Homeopath, Nashik
Hi Lybrate-user, Yeast infection to you probably due to changes in sweat quality or may be hormonal. But chances of change in sweat and skin quality are greater in your case (summer). But all this are not the primary cause this are secondary causes. Primary causes are our nature our emotions, our reactions, etc. As you are enlisted hypertension, joint pain, irritable bowel syndrome, so all this are definitely bad effects of your nature, I my practice I have seen this are bad effects mostly of angry or irritable nature. So there is a definite and permenant solution of your yeast and all problems with a medicine but for that we need your time, to discuss and understand your problems and your personality as per homeopathy point of view. But without appointment it is much difficult so take a appointment, so that I can help you.

Hello mam. I am Alka. Mam I have a acne on my face since 7 years .I have already used lots of treatment bt didn't effective on my face. please suggest me.

Ayurveda, Ambala
Hello mam. I am Alka. Mam I have a acne on my face since 7 years .I have already used lots of treatment bt didn't eff...
These are the methods to treat fastly acne - ? Imbalance in hormone level causes excessive sebum production and causes acne. So do not take stress and do exercise daily such as running, jogging and long breathing exercises. ? Do YOGASANA daily. Especially do SINHASANA & SARVANGASANA daily. ? Use oil free face wash and drink 7 -8 glass of water daily.? Do not touch your pimple because your finger transfer bacteria to it and make it worse. If you touch it then clean your face with water. * Mix black pepper powder in some water to make paste & apply on the pimples three times a week. ? Take cucumber and papaya pulp .Mix it well and add 1 tablespoon Turmeric. Make a paste and apply it on face and leave it for 15 minutes. ? Steam your face to open the pores ,which in turn clear the skin .steam your face for a couple of minutes. ? Take 2 teaspoon of RAKTASHODAK SYRUP of BAIDYANATH company once a day. You can also avail my Pimple free & face glow pack treatment.

My name is alka my height is not in acres please help me in getting solution for increasing height give me some solution.

Ayurveda, Ambala
My name is alka my height is not in acres please help me in getting solution for increasing height give me some solut...
As you are young and so there is still chances of gaining height. There are methods by which you can gain some centimetres of height. 1. The height of body is largely depend on the length of your spine (vertebral column or back bone in general language). So you have to add the exercise of stretching of spine daily in morning. Here are the exercises! * first stand straight bare foot on floor, then raise your arms upwards then raise your heels of foot with breathing in, try to stand on heels for 10-12 seconds and slowlylower down your heels back on the floor and breath outthe air. Repeat this exercise 5-8 times in morning. *sit on the floor, stretch you legs together so that both foot touch each other. Now raise your arms upwards together with back straight, now move your hands towardstoes of feet and touch them. Your forehead touching your knees. Slowly revert back the arms and move back arms in normal position. Repeat this exercise 2-4 times daily. You can privately consult me for understanding more exercises. 2. Bone growth depends upon the adequate intake of calcium rich diet. So take 300 ml of rich cream milk, 200 gm of cheese and 2-3 eggs regularly. It will definitely give boost to your bone growth. 3. Vitamin d play very important role in bone growth. So sit in sun rays for atleast 8-10 minutes in morning of evenings when the sun rays are notso strong. 4. The growth and height is controlled by growth hormone which is secreted by pituitary gland situated in the brain. So take meditation and have a stressfree lifestyle. Take 6-8 hours of sleep daily. For meditation, listen toslow and spiritual music, take long breaths for 15-20 minutes everyday. It makes your pituitatry gland healthy and working properly.
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