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Alkin Syrup Alkin Syrup

Alkin Syrup

Quantity Description: bottle of 200 ml Syrup
Manufacturer: Hema Laboratories
Price: ₹ 81.0

Information about Alkin Syrup

Alkin Syrup is a medicated formulation that is indicated for use as an acid alkaliser. Urinary tract infections and cystitis both fall in the category of recurrent diseases of the urinary system. This syrup majorly contains citric acid which is responsible for reducing the pH of urine and rendering it to be less acidic. This not only helps in reducing the painful urine discharge by alkylating the urine but also does not allows the microbes to colonise and divide in the urinary tract as pH is increased. It basically causes the flushing of the urinary tract.

The other important role of citric acid is that it prevents the formation of new stones in the kidney as presence of excess urate in the crystal form in urine leads to the condition of hyperuricaemia.

Use under medical supervision

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Hi am 25 yrs n I have a 10 months baby. After delivery I am suffering from so many problem concipation, hemorrhoids, back pain, urine infection, falling hairs.

General Physician, Aligarh
There occurs many changes in boby post delivery. Female very drastically gain wt. Eat balanced diet with more water, avoid red meat. And stress more on vegetables and fresh juices. Take lactulose syrup or better add roughage to your diet. In form of salads and isabgol u get in market. Once u r healthy all problems will be okey. Medicine is not solution to every problem. Life style modifications is must.
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