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Amlycure DS Syrup Amlycure DS Syrup

Amlycure DS Syrup

Quantity Description: bottle of 100 ml Syrup
Manufacturer: Aimil Pharmaceuticals India Ltd
Price: ₹ 115.0

Information about Amlycure DS Syrup

Amlycure DS Syrup is a medication that contains Bhringaraja, Bhuiamla, Giloe, Mooli Swaras, Haritaki, tulsi, and Yashtimadhu as active ingredients. It performs its action by obstructing the formation of prostaglandins and growth of the virus in the body.

This medication is a comprehensive polyherbal formula in a potent concentration of different vital herbs. It exerts a corrective & protective effect in order to check progression, the severity of liver disorders and effectively restores liver function parameters.

Amlycure DS syrup helps to restore the liver functioning by providing a multidimensional approach. It acts as an antiviral, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulator, and anti-cholestatic medication that helps to treat various ailments, skin diseases, and candidiasis.

Amlycure DS Syrup is completely safe to use for infections such as urinary tract infections, fungal infections, wounds, and viral infections. Amlycure DS Syrup works as liver corrective and protective in conditions of Enlarged liver, jaundice, and altered lipid metabolism.

It is also supportive in Hepatitis B, Alcoholic or Non-Alcoholic Fatty liver. It improves digestion, Gastroenteritis, dysentery, and appetite. It also strengthens assimilation and anabolism. Use under medical supervision.


For Infants, it is advised to take 3-5 drops twice a day, for Children to take 1 tablespoon twice a day and for adults to take 2-3 tsp 3-4 times a day. The patient should consult the medical practitioner before using it.

It is always better to inform the doctor about previous medications or allergies. After knowing all the medical history, the medical practitioner will advise you the dosage and alternative of that medication.


Amlycure DS syrup is a medication which has some commonly reported side effects. These side effects may or may not occur always and some of them are rare but severe.

This is not a complete list and if you experience any of the below-mentioned side effects, contact your doctor immediately.

Here are some side effects of Amlycure DS syrup which are: Debilitation, weakness, palsy, high blood pressure, paralysis, and low potassium levels. It is a list of possible side-effects which may occur due to the constituting ingredients of Amlycure DS syrup.


Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before consuming Amlycure DS syrup. It is always better to inform the doctor about previous medications or allergies to them.

After knowing all the medical history, the medical practitioner will advise you the dosage and alternative of that medication.


The possible interactions between Amlycure DS syrup with other products are unknown. Patients can use this medication while consuming some allopathic medicines that contain Aspirin, Azathioprine, enoxaparin, glimepiride, and Dalteparin as active ingredients present in it.

Ques: What is Amlycure DS syrup?
Ans: Amlycure DS Syrup is a unique herbal formulation of Bhringaraja, Bhuiamla, Giloe, Mooli Swaras, Haritaki, tulsi, and Yashtimadhu like active ingredients. It helps to check progression and severity of liver diseases and maintains its proper functioning.
Ques: What are the uses of Amlycure DS syrup?
Ans: Amlycure DS Syrup is used to restore liver functioning by providing a multidimensional approach being an antiviral, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulator, and anti-cholestatic that helps to treat various ailments, skin diseases, and candidiasis.
Ques: What are the storage instructions for Amlycure DS Syrup ?
Ans: Amlycure DS Syrup should be stored at room temperature in a cool dry place in its original packaging. Make sure it remains away from heat and direct light.
Ques: Can Amlycure DS Syrup be consumed in pregnant women ?
Ans: Amlycure DS Syrup should not be consumed in pregnant women without the recommendation of a doctor. Consultation with the doctor is necessary in such cases.
Ques: At what frequency should we consume Amlycure DS Syrup for desirable results?
Ans: Amlycure DS Syrup should be consumed at a prescribed frequency in a prescribed dosage depending upon the age of the individual. Consultation with a doctor is important for this.
Ques: Does Amlycure DS Syrup show addictive or habit-forming effects ?
Ans: No, Amlycure DS Syrup does not show addictive or habit forming effects. But it should be consumed only under medical supervision and self medication should be avoided.
Ques: Can I stop using the product Amlycure DS Syrup immediately ?
Ans: Immediately stopping the use of any medicine may cause adverse effects or rebound effects. Hence, consultation with a doctor is important before stopping Amlycure DS Syrup immediately.
Ques: What can happen if we miss a dose of Amlycure DS Syrup ?
Ans: In case of any missed dose, we should take the dose as soon as we remember the missed dose or should skip the missed dose if it is already too late and the time for next dose has come.
Ques: What can happen in case of an overdose of Amlycure DS Syrup ?
Ans: Any overdose of this medicine can cause poisoning or serious side effects. Hence, it is suggested to consume a prescribed dose of Amlycure DS Syrup under the supervision of a doctor.
Ques: For how long should we use Amlycure DS Syrup to get desirable results ?
Ans: Amlycure DS Syrup should be used in a prescribed amount for a prescribed time duration under the recommendation of a specialist, to get the desirable results.

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Popular Questions & Answers

I am 38 year old I am suffering from gastritis can I take amlycure ds syrup for relief from gastritis.

General Physician, Jalgaon
I am 38 year old I am suffering from gastritis can I take amlycure ds syrup for relief from gastritis.
Instead do following.. Avoid oily spicy, non veg foods Take salads and fruits more before lunch and dinner Take milk regularly Do yoga and pranayam regularly.... For better digestion Take water 1 hr after foods always And Take following medication Cap pan d 1 on empty stomach Sy mucain gel 10 ml twice a day All for 3 weeks

Hello Dr. leonine mam please tell me about amlycure ds capsule performance to treat fatty liver condition. And please tell me the proper dosage as per day and for how many months.

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Mangalore
Hello Dr. leonine mam please tell me about amlycure ds capsule performance to treat fatty liver condition. And please...
Hello that syrup also is for fatty liver. It's antiviral also and is good for other liver conditions as well. Like for viral hepatitis. Also good in alcoholic and non alcoholic fatty liver. You take 2tsp thrice after food. And duration depends on your grade of fatty liver. If it's grade one then it's enough if you take for 2 to 3 months. Also you will be taking liv 52 ds.
1 person found this helpful

Taking Amlycure ds syrup gives me diarrhea. Why does it happen and what should I do about it? Any help?

Homeopath, Navi Mumbai
If you are getting diarrhoea with that syp then don't use it stop it. You can use any other syp means substitute to it ok.
1 person found this helpful

I am suffering intestine worms and indigestion. We are taking amlycure ds syrup. Is this useful for me or any side effect this. And how many days continuous take this syrup.

Homeopath, Noida
I am suffering intestine worms and indigestion. We are taking amlycure ds syrup. Is this useful for me or any side ef...
Amlycure ds works as liver corrective in following conditions: jaundice enlarged liver altered lipid metabolism so I do not know for what problem do you want to take it. Follow this 1. Don't take tea empty stomach. Eat something like a banana (if you are not diabetic) or any seasonal fruit or soaked almonds and a glass of water first thing in the morning (within 10 mins of waking up). No only biscuits or rusk will not do. 2. Don't overeat 3. Take your breakfast every day. Don't skip it. U should eat whatever your mother or grandparent eat in bfast. I mean to say whatever is your traditional food. If punjabi eat paratha, if belongs to south then take idli/ dosa etc. 4. Have light meals every 2 hours (in addition to your breakfast, lunch n dinner) e.g. Nariyal paani, chaach, a handful of dry fruits, a handful of peanuts, any fresh n seasonal fruit (eat whole fruit not juice), a cup of curd/milk etc 5. Take simple food like rice n dal in dinner. Finish your dinner at least 2 hours before going to sleep. 6. Maintain active life style7. Avoid fast foods, spicy n fried foods, carbonated beverages 8. Take a lot of green vegetables n fruit. 9. Drink lot of water.10. Everyday preferably sleep on same time exercise in the form of yoga, cycling, swimming, gym etc.For more details, you can consult me.
1 person found this helpful

Hello mam I suffering from jaundice my direct bilirubin is 1.01 and indirect is 4.32 something I had please suggest best medicine currently am taking amlycure ds syrup and multivitamin and vitamin c and also udlive 150.

Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (B.U.M.S)
Unani Specialist, Kanpur
Follow these herbal combinations for complete cure sootshekhar ras 1 tablet twice a day pittari avleh 10 gm twice a day.
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