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Baidyanath Kesari Kalp Royal Chyawanprash Dry fruit Baidyanath Kesari Kalp Royal Chyawanprash Dry fruit

Baidyanath Kesari Kalp Royal Chyawanprash Dry fruit

Quantity Description: jar of 1 kg Paste
Manufacturer: Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt Ltd
Price: ₹ 610.0

Information about Baidyanath Kesari Kalp Royal Chyawanprash Dry fruit

Baidyanath Kesari Kalp Chyawanprash contains Amla (Emblica), Asvagandha, Banshlochan (Bamboomanna), Keshar (Saffron), Abhraka Bhasma (Oxide of Mica), Safed Musli (Chlorophytum Borivilianum), Elaichi (Elettaria cardamomum), Satawari (Asparagus racemosus), White Sandal Wood (Santalum album), and Nagkeshar (Mesua ferrea).

Amla is added to lower cholesterol levels as it works as an antioxidant.
Asvagandha is added as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Keshar is an antioxidant that clears out excess oxygen particles from the body.

Baidyanath Kesari Kalp Chyawanprash improves body immunity. This balances the Pitta and Vata as it improves the body immunity levels. It energises the body and reduces the overall effects of weakness around the body.

Direction for use:
About one to two teaspoons of Baidyanath chyawanprash should be taken twice each day with milk. This is to improve how well the body can respond to stress.

Use under medical supervision.

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You do massage with clove oil twice a day. Start eating a healthy diet like green vegetables like spinach, cabbage, kale etc contribute in male enhancement. Also citrus fruits like avocado, orange, and lemon that are rich in Vitamin B9. Also you can concern with us, if you want fast result. We provide therapies as well as ayurvedic medicines. You can contact us on We will concern and later on we can deliver medicines.

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Diet chart for diabetic patient.
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Mr. lybrate-user, Thanks for the query. To give a diet chart I need to know following details: Weight, height, diet pattern, blood glucose levels & HbA1c% and extent of exercise being done daily. Because diet is a specific individualised thing. As regards foods to be avoided: sweets, junk foods, deep fried foods, pastries, bakery items, foods made form maida. Fruits which can be taken include papaya, guava, apple, orange, sweet lime, pomegranate, pear & water melon. Only about 100 g per day should be taken that too with strict glucose control. Mango, grapes, banana and chikkoo should be avoided. Use whole grain flour for roti and chapati. Thanks.
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Which fruits should be avoided in diabetes and which fruits should be taken in moderate and which fruits should be ta...
Hi Aslam. Fruits with high glycemic index like jack fruit, mango, grapes etc to be avoided. Fruits like Apple, Avacoda, Orange, moosambi can be taken in moderate.

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Ayurveda, Ambala
Causes of getting pimple on face and how to prevent by using any gels and also how to get skin white by eating which ...
These are the methods to treat fastly pimples: ? Imbalance in hormone level causes excessive sebum production and causes acne. So do not take stress and do exercise daily such as running, jogging and long breathing exercises. ? Do YOGASANA daily. Especially do SINHASANA & SARVANGASANA daily. ? Use oil free face wash and drink 7 -8 glass of water daily . ? Do not touch your pimple because your finger transfer bacteria to it and make it worse. If you touch it then clean your face with water. ? Take cucumber and papaya pulp .Mix it well and add 1 tablespoon Turmeric. Make a paste and apply it on face and leave it for 15 minutes. ? Steam your face to open the pores ,which in turn clear the skin .steam your face for a couple of minutes. ? Take 2 teaspoon of RAKTASHODAK SYRUP of BAIDYANATH company once a day.

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Ayurveda, Ambala
I have a hairfall problem. How to reduce it. How to regrowth it? And suggest the vegetables and fruits to stop hairfall?
Follow these best tips for treatment of hair fall ? Add protein containing items in your foods for healthy hair growth such as take a bowl of cereal daily and a glass of milk or 100 gm cheese or 1-2 eggs.. ? To reduce hairfall, Practice Yogasana like SHIRSHASANA and SARWANGASANA only under the guidance of Expert. ? you can use MAHABHRINGRAJ TEL of BAIDYANATH COMPANY and apply it 3 times in a week massage your scalp for 10 to 15 minutes daily. It increases blood circulation in your scalp and enhances hair growth. ? Avoid the excess use of products such as hair colours or shampoo. * Take Vitamin-E rich foods like dry fruits (Almonds, Pista etc) daily. * Apply the egg yolk to the scalp atleast once a week. It gives nourishment to hair root and enhances hair growth.
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