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Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste

Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste

Quantity Description: tube of 100 gm Toothpaste
Manufacturer: Colgate-Palmolive Company
Price: ₹ 62.07

Information about Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste

Sensitive Toothpaste is a medicated desensitising toothpaste that contains Potassium nitrate, Sodium monofluorophosphate in a pleasantly flavored base. It protects against sensitivity, fights cavities and plaque, fights gum problems and strengthens tooth enamel. It is indicated in sensitivity due to attrition and abrasion (wear and tear of teeth), natural gum recession (lowering down of gums from their natural level) or post scaling recession, abrasion on the neck of the tooth, bad breath and teeth prone to decay.

Potassium nitrate blocks the nerve that carries the message of pain to the brain due to sensitivity. This protects the tooth and prevents the feeling of pain when eating and drinking. Sodium monofluorophosphate protects tooth enamel from attack by bacteria that cause dental caries (cavities).

Directions for use:

Brush properly twice daily for two minutes with this toothpaste and Don t rinse after brushing for at least 30 minutes as it needs some time to work. Brush at a 45 degree angle to your teeth by directing the bristles to where gums and teeth meet. Clean every surface of every tooth. The chewing surface, the cheek side, and the tongue side and use a soft brush with round bristles. By spitting thoroughly instead of rinsing your mouth with water after brushing, the thin coating of toothpaste remains on your teeth and provide the relief it is designed give you.

Use under medical supervision.

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Popular Questions & Answers

I am suffering from sensitivity and it happed in my ryt side of teeth, I am using colgate toothpaste should I change my toothpaste? Or suggest something?

Dentist, Hyderabad
I am suffering from sensitivity and it happed in my ryt side of teeth, I am using colgate toothpaste should I change ...
As a rule, it is always better to consult a practitioner in person. But in response to your question, the sensitivity may be caused due to the following reasons 1. A change in the external tooth layer (enamel) which mainly maintains the structure and integrity of the tooth which can be caused due to wear during eating or an acidic diet. 2. A break in the structure of the tooth which does not involve the tooth pulp/nerve (in which case the pain is sharp and quite disturbing) The treatment for these conditions can (or) cannot be treated by medications. A temporary relief may be achieved by using medicated/formulated toothpastes or gels specific for sensitivity like Colgate Sensitive, Thersmoseal, Sensodyne etc. The mode of application for acheiving desired results is to apply by means of a finger onto the affected area and rub it on. Keep it for a few minutes (5-10) and then brush like a regular toothpaste. Hope this would relieve some of your pain, and we strongly suggest that you visit a practitioner should the pain persist.
2 people found this helpful

I feel some sensation in my teeth somtime. So please advice me a name of toothpaste for regular use?

Dentist, Jamshedpur
I feel some sensation in my teeth somtime. So please advice me a name of toothpaste for regular use?
Use Thermoseal RA toothpaste .apply on sensitive tooth leave for 2 minutes and rinse.continue for 15 will get relief.

Is it fine for a two year old baby to use Colgate sensitive or Colgate total charcoal toothpaste.

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopath, Gurgaon
No tooth paste is 100 percent safe for kids, you must prefer edible ingredients from your kitchen for cleaning teeth of kids like turmeric, mustard oil, table salt, baking soda, lemon juice and many more. You can consult me in person through Lybrate for more information.
1 person found this helpful

What is difference between Colgate sensitive pro relief and Colgate sensitive toothpaste ?

MDS Prosthodontics, BDS
Dentist, Chandigarh
These commercially available tooth paste are one n the same thing.Both says they work in reducing the tooth senstivity due to cold intake.These may help olny during the early stages but when there is sensation to both cold and hot drinks and pain, you need to visit a dentist.

I had a problem in my teeth they normally used to pain when I take any hot or cold things I have a sensitivity in my teeth so I used different kinds of toothpastes.

Certification in Full Mouth Rehabilitation, Post-Graduate Certificate in Oral Implantology (PGCOI), M.Sc - Master of Oral Implantology (MOI), Certified Implantologist, BDS
Dentist, Rajkot
I had a problem in my teeth they normally used to pain when I take any hot or cold things I have a sensitivity in my ...
Antisensitive tooth paste is a good one for sensitive teeth. So use thermoseal ra or sensodyne or colgate sensitive pro relief any of which you like.
Having issues? Consult a doctor for medical advice