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Dewmis Soap Dewmis Soap

Dewmis Soap

Quantity Description: packet of 75 gm Soap
Manufacturer: Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Price: ₹ 94.4

Information about Dewmis Soap

Dewmis Soap contains Colloidal oatmeal. Oatmeal soap is beneficial in oily or acne-prone skin, as the oatmeal absorbs oil without over-drying. Oatmeal has astringent properties and helps draw oil out of the skin. Using oatmeal soap can restore the skin s natural pH and will not interfere with the effectiveness of other skincare products or acne treatments.

It has a soothing effect on the skin so it is often used to treat itching and irritation that are associated with various skin conditions like eczema.

Use under medical supervision
Having issues? Consult a doctor for medical advice