Dr. Reckeweg Ginseng Mother Tincture is a homeopathic remedy prepared from the Ginseng (Panax Quinquefolium). It is also known as Aralia quinquefolium or Wild ginseng. This remedy resolves symptoms related to glands, lower back, and skin in dark-haired individuals. It helps in treating sexual dysfunction and joints pain. Dr. Reckeweg Ginseng Mother Tincture is useful for treating a number of issues such as weak memory, debility, and muscle pain. It also heals pimples and acne vulgaris.
Dr. Reckeweg Ginseng Mother Tincture is Effective in treating back pain, sciatica, pain in the joints, abdominal disorders and frequent urination. It reduces frequent sneezing and bleeding from nostrils. It controls acne and eruptions on the neck and chest. It helps in improving concentration, reducing fatigue and providing strength. It helps in treating the following conditions:
Dr. Reckeweg Ginseng Mother Tincture helps to cure dizziness, gray spots in front of the eyes and double vision. It also treats eye cataract.
Dr. Reckeweg Ginseng Mother Tincture is helpful in conditions like enlarged Tonsils and red inflamed (tonsillitis). It prevents from Choking sensation and difficulty in swallowing.
This medicine is prescribed to the patients having Rheumatic complains of joints, Stiffness of joints and back. Dr. Reckeweg Ginseng Mother Tincture helps in swollen Hands, feet and stretched skin. It treats Pain in the lower back and thighs.
Presentation: Bottle of 30 ML.
15 drops of Dr. Reckeweg Ginseng mother tincture in half a cup of normal water twice a day until symptoms disappear for 3 months or as prescribed by the physician. It can be taken before meals. It is advised to consume after meals for maximum effect. The patient should consult to the homeopath before using this medicine. Dr. Reckeweg Ginseng Mother Tincture can also be used as a supplement along with other allopathic medications.
No side effects of this medication are known. It is always better to consult the doctor before using Dr. Reckeweg Ginseng Mother Tincture.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before consuming Dr. Reckeweg Ginseng Mother Tincture. It is always better to inform the doctor about previous medications or allergies to them. After knowing all the medical history, the medical practitioner will advise you the dosage and alternate of that medication. Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine. Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing.
Compare: Aral, Coca, Hedera
Use under medical supervision.