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Duofilm  Solution Duofilm  Solution

Duofilm Solution

Quantity Description: bottle of 15 ml Solution
Manufacturer: Glaxo SmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Price: ₹ 218.5

Information about Duofilm Solution

Duofilm solution contains Salicylic Acid and Lactic acid for the treatment of warts.
Warts are a viral disease in the surface skin layer. Topically applied salicylic acid is keratolytic. The keratolytic activity results from solubilisation of the intercellular ground substance in the stratum corneum and shedding of the scales which are bound by it.
Salicylic acid acts by achieving a slow, painless destruction of the thickened upper layer of skin.
Lactic acid enhances the activity of salicylic acid as well as having antiseptic properties.
Duofilm solution is recommended for the treatment for plantar and common warts, corns and calluses.

Directions for Use:
1. First soak the affected area in warm water for about 5 minutes.
2. Dry thoroughly. Apply 1 drop at a time to sufficiently cover each affected area. Let dry.
3. Cover the area with a small adhesive bandage or dressing
4. Unless your hands are being treated, be sure to wash your hands after each application.

Use under medical supervision

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Sir. My foot has two spots like a throne stuck in skin. I try to put it out but with the passage of time they became scars and also pains constantly. I went to Dr. and he gave me two medicines. Fast gel cream and duofilm but my foots spots become more scars and also pains.

MBBS, MSc in Clinical Dermatology
Dermatologist, Delhi
Sir. My foot has two spots like a throne stuck in skin. I try to put it out but with the passage of time they became ...
Dear user it is not much understandable what you have written, but I think you might have plantal callosities or corns share clear pictures so that I can diagnose and treat properly.

I used Duofilm (salicylic and lactic acid) for the corn in my leg around a couple of years ago after having no success using corn bandages and it was cured completely. But now I again got corn in the another leg. Unfortunately Duofilm is not available in the market. Can you guys suggest an alternative for this?

Erasmus Mundus Master in Adapted Physical Activity, MPT, BPTh/BPT
Physiotherapist, Chennai
I used Duofilm (salicylic and lactic acid) for the corn in my leg around a couple of years ago after having no succes...
If you have leg pain then you have to rule out the casues for having leg pain. First of all check your weight and your haemoglobin levels, as Anaemia always leads to the symptoms of being tired and also having leg pain though there are no issues with the knee joint or back pain. If not if the pain radiates down the back of thigh and legs then it might be due to sciatica. Kindly consult the nearby physiotherapist. Hope you recover soon from the leg pain. Pain in the back while walking and standing Pain in the right legIf you have leg pain pls check your body weight and your haemoglobin levels, as Anaemia always leads to the symptoms of being tired and also having leg pain though there may not be any pathological reasons for back pain. My suggestion would be to wear MCR Chappals which will help you to prevent the weight falling on the If you have back pain while walking and standing first of all check your weight and your haemoglobin levels, as Anaemia always leads to the symptoms of being tired and also having back pain though there may not be any pathological reasons for back pain. My suggestion would be to wear MCR Chappals which will help you to prevent the weight falling on the back. Back. And also should check whether you have flat foot on the right leg that also might be the reason to have pain in one particular leg Pain in the left side of the leg/thighThe compression of the sciatic nerve should be around the right side that's the reason you have pain in the left side. That's the reason you cannot sit or stand and it is exactly around the L5 vertebrae where the sciatic nerve passes by.
1 person found this helpful

Doctor, I Have Wart. 1 on Forehead n 2 on lips. I went to a skin doctor he suggested me to use duofilm (salicylic acid and lactic acid collodion), flonida-1% (fluorouracil cream, metasone F (mometasone furoate &Fusidic acid cream) and some tablets, now my warts have been fallen. But I have removed it with incense stick 3-4 times, it grows again, help me to get complete rid of warts. I used to have white warts. Now my skin is clear. Help me that my warts does not grow ever.

DNB (Dermatology)
Dermatologist, Udupi
Doctor, I Have Wart. 1 on Forehead n 2 on lips. I went to a skin doctor he suggested me to use duofilm (salicylic aci...
Warts (Verruca Vulgaris) is due to a viral infection called HPV and it takes some time to clear off with medication. Don't burn it with incense stick, a Dermatologist can remove it with Electrocautery or Radiofrequency machine. Over a period of time when your body's immunity improves warts clears completely.
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I got wart on my feet and I used duofilm liquid for some days and it get removed. But after some days it again come and this time it is more black than previous one. Again I am using the same duofilm. It is spreading also. What should I do?

Homeopath, Faridabad
I got wart on my feet and I used duofilm liquid for some days and it get removed.
But after some days it again come a...
Hello, Take Thuja 200, 5 drops , daily morning empty stomach, for 15 days. Apply Topi thuja ointment on this wart locally twice daily.
1 person found this helpful

Hi I am 25 years old male. I have a wart on my foot. I am using Duofilm liquid on my foot since 45 days but no result till now. The wart is there till now. please help.

DHMS (Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery)
Homeopath, Ludhiana
Homoeopathic medicine dulcamara 1m (adel) drink5 drops every month once a day at night before sleep for 3 months adel-40 drops (adel) drink 10 drops in 20ml fresh water 3 times daily topi-thuja cream (wilmar schwabe india) apply locally on wartss and massage twice a day report after 3 months.
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