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Eating chocolate and chocolate cookies makes you fat and is totally unhealthy. You may consume a small chocolate bar once in a while. Chocolate facial is good for glowing skin, try that in a nice salon.
Avoid too much of chocolates. Choclates are beneficial according to some studies. But in limited quantity. May cause dental caries. Try to get rid of this.
Dear lybrateuser,
-Dark chocolate is good as it contains cocoa extract which has antioxidents with beneficial affects on the body
-do have in limited quantity about 2-3 small pieces per day, excess is harmful as it will raise the blood sugar.
Don't eat it more than once a day. Clean your teeth properly after you eat or drink anything. Get you teeth x-rayed to determine the extent of decay. Get your cavities filled accordingly with or without root canal treatment.
Having issues? Consult a doctor for medical advice