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Gumex Mouth Wash Gumex Mouth Wash

Gumex Mouth Wash

Quantity Description: bottle of 60 ml Mouth Wash
Manufacturer: Agrawal Drugs Pvt. Ltd.
Price: ₹ 21.25

Information about Gumex Mouth Wash

Gumex mouthwash is an antiseptic, astringent and an analgesic preparation. It is used in cases of gingivitis, periodontitis, bleeding and spongy gums, pre-denture problems, tooth extraction, pre- and post orthodontic treatment, sore throat, ulcers and halitosis, etc.
Gumex mouthwash contains Potassium iodide, Iodine, Zinc phenol sulphonate, Tannic acid, Camphor, Clove oil, Menthol, Mentha oil, Thymol, Phenol and Glycerin solution.

Directions for use: Take gumex on the fingertip and massage 2-3 times daily on the affected gum or as directed by the physician. You can massage, brush and gargle with Gumex mouthwash. For gargling, dilution ratio is: 1 teaspoonful of gumex in 20 ml of water.

Use under medical supervision.

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Popular Questions & Answers

How to fair our skin. I am used many face wash but every face wash is not well not.

MD - Skin & VD
Dermatologist, Ahmedabad
How to fair our skin. I am used many face wash but every face wash is not well not.
No face wash can make your skin fairer. Suntanning is the one of the major reasons that makes your skin darker. Use sunscreen with spf-30 when you are out (9am-5pm). Have nutritious diet

I am losing hairs. And when I wash them its even more. Please tell me any solution.

MD - Homeopathy
Homeopath, Aurangabad
I am losing hairs. And when I wash them its even more. Please tell me any solution.
Hello. Hair problem is common now a days. Due to stress and busy life. Take full sleep. Drink planty water. Have fruits. Take. Acid hydrofluoric 30.2 tds x 30 days. And revert. Use arnica mon q 30 ml + your oil 100 ml mix. Twice a week at night and wash

Getting toothache due to swollen gums need advice ,had consulted dentist who gave med. Gumex but its not working need advice pain is getting severe.

MDS - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Dentist, Chennai
Getting toothache due to swollen gums need advice ,had consulted dentist who gave med. Gumex but its not working need...
Kindly consult a dentist in person for further suggestion. We need more investigations with clinical examination to decide upon treatment. You may need deep cleaning along with surgical curettage or gum strengthening procedure. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with a mouth wash after every meals. Use pepsodent tooth paste & gum paint for 2 to 3 weeks.

Is soap is good for skin care, or a body wash? As the same for face care soap is good or a face wash? Please help me with this!

MD - Skin & VD
Dermatologist, Ahmedabad
Is soap is good for skin care, or a body wash? As the same for face care soap is good or a face wash? Please help me ...
function of both formulations remains same,just to clean your skin.but ofcourse facewash & bodywash with ph around 5.5 do not let your skin become dry after using them.these formulations are more popular as they are cosmetically more acceptable.

What can I do for my oily skin? which soap should I use? Or is it better to use a face wash? Which face wash is safe?

Homeopathy Doctor, Noida
What can I do for my oily skin? which soap should I use? Or is it better to use a face wash? Which face wash is safe?
1. Wash face regularly --washing regularly can reduce the amount of oil on the skin. Wash with a gentle soap and warm water 2. Use a toner--astringent toners that contain alcohol tend to dry out the skin. U should test out any new toner on a small patch of skin to avoid potential irritation. 3. Pat the face dry--when drying the face after washing and using toner, people should gently pat their skin dry with a soft towel. This should be done with care, however. Pulling down on the skin with a towel, or using a rough washcloth, is not advised, as it may stimulate the skin to create more sebum. 4. Use blotting papers-- blotting papers will not treat the sebum production in the skin, but they can be used to lift excess oil off the skin throughout the day to make it appear less shiny. 5. You can apply aloe vera juice/gel from its leaf (fresh), not from ready made gels available in market. Remove skin of an aloe vera leaf. Take /scoop out gel. Apply this gel to your skin. Wash with plain water after an hour. Also stay hydrated, avoid greasy foods and trans fats, and to eat a well-rounded diet full of whole foods.
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