Hi, there are certain natural ways to increase hemoglobin. Depending on the reason behind the drop in hemoglobin, there are natural remedies that can effectively restore hemoglobin to normal or even to optimal levels. Eat spinach. Spinach is a rich source of iron. It can be eaten or its juice can be drunk. Iron supplementation. There are many iron supplements available in the market to help increase hemoglobin count. Vitamin C supplementation. Iron cannot be fully absorbed by the body without vitamin C. Folate and folic acid supplementation. These are important supplements for women who have reached the age of menstruation especially during their child-bearing years. Juice of beetroot. This has been used to naturally treat anemia. Eat a healthy, balanced diet. This diet should be composed of foods rich in iron such as spinach, fortified cereals and breads, tuna, fish, liver, raisins, green beans and so on. Avoid eating or taking-in foods that can naturally lower iron-levels in the body such as caffeine and chocolate. Practice exercising. Exercise motives the body to produce more hemoglobin to meet the increasing demands of the body for oxygen. Seek medical consult. Especially when hemoglobin levels do not respond to natural remedies.