Himalaya Tentex Royal Capsule is a medication that contains Hygrophila and Tribulus Terrestris as the main ingredients present in it. It is recommended to the patients having Aphrodisiac and sexual problems.
This medication performs its action by increasing the flow of blood and nerve impulses in the penis and vagina. It helps in raising the concentration of sperm count in the epididymis.
It also improves flow-mediated dilation of the penile arteries. This results in the relaxation of vascular smooth muscles, which enhances erection.
Himalaya Tentex Royal Capsule is recommended to patients having erectile dysfunction of various etiologies (cardiovascular diseases, endothelial dysfunction, and diabetes).
The natural ingredients of this medicine increase sexual desire. It treats male sexual weakness and premature ejaculation. It also increases the growth and activity of testosterone hormones.
Himalaya Tentex Royal Capsule can be consumed in a dosage of one to two capsules once or twice a day. Patients are advised to inform the doctor about previous medications. This medicine can be taken along with other allopathic medications.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before consuming Himalaya Tentex Royal Capsule. It is always better to inform the doctor about previous medications or allergies to them. After knowing all the medical history, the medical practitioner will advise you the dosage and alternative of that medication.
Note - Patients with hypertension are not adequate to use it.
Himalaya Tentex Royal Capsule has many side effects. Major side effects of this medication include burning sensation, palpitation, sweating and dizziness. It also has some other side effects such as sexual displeasure, numbness and racing heartbeat.
Use under medical supervision.