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IG TG-Forte Capsule

IG TG-Forte Capsule

Quantity Description: strip of 10 capsules
Manufacturer: Alchemist Life Science Ltd
Price: ₹ 246.16

Information about IG TG-Forte Capsule

IG TG Forte Capsule is composed of Colostrum. Colostrum is milk which comes during the first lactation after the birth. It is not only a source of nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals, but it also contains several biologically-active molecules which are essential to the body's immune and growth functions.

It is a rich source of passive immunity, and is given to immune deficient pregnant females to help them in fighting against opportunistic infections. It nourishes and helps in the proper growth of the baby. Lactoferrin and other antimicrobial agents help in building immunity.

Colostrum also has important immune properties like antibodies, immunoglobulins and enzymes. When the immune system is temporarily stressed due to extended physical activity, being able to recover quickly can help increase performance, strength and stamina.

Use under medical supervision.

Composition :

IG-TG Forte capsule is composed of :

  • Colostrum-500mg

Usage :

  • Pregnancy - It is administered to pregnant females who are immune deficient. It is important to provide passive immunity to them, enabling them to fight some opportunistic infections. It is also important for the proper growth and development of the baby.
  • Colon Inflammation - IG-TG Forte capsules are important as they are used to treat the condition of colon inflammation. It helps to get relief from the symptoms effectively.
  • Healing Injuries - IG-TG Forte capsule is also used in case of injuries for the proper healing and recovery from any injury.
  • Hyper- or hypotension - IG-TG Forte capsule has applications in hypertension as well as hypotension. It effectively controls an increase or decrease in blood pressure.

Directions for use :

IG-TG Forte capsule is available in the form of capsules. It is consumed orally with a glass of water. It should be swallowed only and need not be crushed, chewed and broken.

Benefits :

  1. Dietary supplements for the females.
  2. Immunity booster, enabling women to fight opportunistic infections.
  3. Source of antibodies.
  4. A rich source of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
  5. Enhances athletic performance.

Storage :

IG-TG Forte capsule should be kept at room temperature in a cool and dry place in its original packaging. Make sure to avoid any exposure to sunlight.

Side effects :

Side effects of IG-TG Forte capsule include :

  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Anemia
  • Abnormal liver enzymes.
Ques: What is the IG-TG Forte capsule ?
Ans: IG-TG Forte capsule is a source of colostrum which serves as a dietary supplement for pregnant females and provides passive immunity to them to fight probable infections.
Ques: What are the uses of the IG-TG Forte capsule ?
Ans: IG-TG Forte capsule is used as a source of passive immunity for the pregnant females which enables them to fight opportunistic infections and also helps in the growth and development of the developing baby.
Ques: I am suffering from thyroid related problems. Can I consume an IG-TG Forte capsule ?
Ans: No, IG-TG Forte capsule should not be consumed by a person suffering from thyroid related problems.
Ques: What are the dietary precautions that we should take while having IG-TG Forte capsule ?
Ans: Some dietary precautions that we need to take while having IG-TG Forte capsule include avoiding dietary supplements containing vitamin D, omega- 3 fatty acids and other vitamins without consulting the doctor.
Ques: I am suffering from diabetes. Can I consume an IG-TG Forte capsule ?
Ans: Yes, of course. IG-TG Forte capsule can be consumed by a diabetic person.
Ques: Can IG-TG Forte capsule be taken by a person who has lactose intolerance ?
Ans: No, IG-TG Forte capsule should not be consumed by any person who has lactose intolerance as it is high in fat and lactose.
Ques: Is IG-TG Forte capsule effective in relieving joint pain ?
Ans: Yes, IG-TG Forte capsule relieves joint pain as it is rich in antibodies which decrease pain and inflammation in joints during arthritis.
Ques: Does IG-TG Forte capsule effectively treat gut-related abnormalities ?
Ans: Yes, the IG-TG Forte capsule enables our gut to restore good and useful bacterias and also facilitate their growth and development.
Ques: Can I drive while being on doses of IG-TG Forte capsules ?
Ans: Yes, of course. It is safe to do any work related to mental alertness, focus and concentration such as driving.
Ques: Is it safe for the persons with kidney diseases to consume IG-TG Forte capsule ?
Ans: No. It is not safe for the persons with kidney diseases to consume IG-TG Forte capsule. Consultation with a doctor is necessary in such conditions.
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