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Keto Diastix Strip Keto Diastix Strip

Keto Diastix Strip

Quantity Description: packet of 50 strips
Manufacturer: Bayer Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd
Price: ₹ 315.0

Information about Keto Diastix Strip

Keto Diastix strips are a fast, convenient way of testing urine for the presence of glucose. They are much safer than a blood test.

Key Features of Keto Diastix strips:-

Accurate and instant result.

Easy to handle and to dispose off after use.

The reagent strip is a firm plastic strip with a test area for interaction with the components in the urine.

When in contact with urine the strip changes colour according to the amount of glucose present in it.

Suitable for self-testing


Ignore colour changes that occur after ten seconds.

The strips are very sensitive to light, heat, moisture.

Avoid touching the little squares.

use under medical supervision.

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I am using keto az shampoo but increased hair fall but still using keto az shampoo is it regrow hair with using keto az shampoo.

International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Pune
I am using keto az shampoo but increased hair fall but still using keto az shampoo is it regrow hair with using keto ...
For hair problems complaints Homoeopathy is best solution. As your age is less we can treat you very effectively. Homoeopathy is very best 4 you bcoz it wil give you holistic solution 1.Include foods in your diet, which are replete in vitamins like Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Also incorporate proteins; eating the right foods can help you get the hair you always wanted. 2.Indulging yourself in regular exercises is also crucial in order to maintain good and healthy hair. 3.Using vitamin E capsules and hair revitalizers occasionally can enhance your hair growth. 4.Avoid using hair dryers as they may damage your hair if used from a close proximity. Phos 12c 3tims day for 10 days Sulph6 c liquid 4tims day Lyco 3c 4tims day for 10 days.
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Can I use keto soap for tinea versicolor! is it good or not! suggest me how to use or apply!

Dermatologist, Chennai
Can I use keto soap for tinea versicolor! is it good or not!
suggest me how to use or apply!
Ok. But more specific medicine required. For detailed prescription do private online consultation by sending photos.

Can keto diet causes diabetes in future in normal person please tell me that is better or not

BHMS, Masters in Nutritional Therapy
Homeopath, Mumbai
Can keto diet causes diabetes  in future in normal person please tell me that is better  or not
No diet causes diabetes in the normal individual it's the sedentary life genetic influences which give rise to diabetes in the normal human being you should take proper diet if you have a family history of diabetes keep on checking the diabetes level in your body otherwise you can go along with any diet no problem in that.

Can we maintain keto diet for more than 3 months, is there any side effects of keto diet and can you give me a keto diet chart.

Diploma in Clinical Nutrition, Certified Diabetes Educator, Diploma in Sport & Exercise Nutrition, Diploma in Human Nutrition, Lifestyle Medicine, BSC IN LIFE SCIENCES
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Bangalore
Can we maintain keto diet for more than 3 months, is there any side effects of keto diet and can you give me a keto d...
Keto diet is difficult to sustain and needs very careful food selection. It is very easy to have nutritional deficiencies on keto. Ideally you should not avoid good carbs like fruits. For a detailed diet chart please contact directly.
1 person found this helpful

Hi, I want to know that Is keto diet a good option? will is beneficial for me? Please suggest to me.

Diploma In Gastroenterology, Diploma In Dermatology, BHMS
Homeopath, Hyderabad
GOOD AND BAD OPTIONS: But when you cut way back on your calories or carbs, your body will switch to ketosis for energy. ... For people with uncontrolled diabetes, ketosis is a sign of not using enough insulin. Ketosis can become dangerous when ketones build up. High levels lead to dehydration and change the chemical balance of your blood. Side effects of diet: The Low-Carb/Keto Flu Headache. Fatigue. Brain fog. Increased hunger. Poor sleep. Nausea. Decreased physical performance (7).
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