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Lysicon V Liquid Lysicon V Liquid

Lysicon V Liquid

Quantity Description: bottle of 200 ml Liquid
Manufacturer: Klar Sehen Pvt Ltd
Price: ₹ 108.9

Information about Lysicon V Liquid

Lysicon V Liquid mainly contains Vitamin B1, Lysine, Niacinamide, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin B6.

Vitamin B complex is essential for metabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids.
L-Lysine is important for proper growth and appetite stimulant, helps lower cholesterol.
Formulated for Vitamin supplementation, Lysicon V Liquid are ideal for tissue repairing, curing sore tongue and mouth ulcers, and preventing premature hair greying. Lysicon V is necessary for those on unusual diets, on reducing diets with drastically reduced food selection and also for those with inadequate diets, such as alcoholics, the elderly, those with diabetes mellitus, those recovering from surgery and in convalescence.

Use under Medical supervision

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Popular Questions & Answers

Hi actually this is about my daughter she is suffering from cough, cold from last one week and also she is not eat properly its a big and difficult task for us to feed her please give me some good solution. Thanks.

MBBS, MD TUBERCULOSIS AND CHEST DISEASES, Diploma in Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases, Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Pulmonologist, Kolkata
Hi actually this is about my daughter she is suffering from cough, cold from last one week and also she is not eat pr...
Probably she needs a course of antibiotic. Lysicon v liquid 2tsf twice daily before meals may enhance her appetite.

My father had constipation and as well as digestion problem for long time. He used to take some syrup name lysicon v. But it doesn't help for now. Can you advice something for this problem?

MBBS, MD - Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine Specialist, Faridabad
My father had constipation  and as well as digestion  problem for long time. He used to take some  syrup name lysicon...
Suffering from constipation .... You can take 2 tab. Charcoal at night. syp. Aristozyme 10 ml after meal. avoid fast/oily foods,alcohol,smoking,junk foods,fatty foods, take plenty of liquid diets.dalia,green veg.,fiber meals,juice,lassi, if not cure then go for few tests .i.e. stool r/m, stool c/s, cbc, blood sugar,lft,and endoscopy of large intestine. Do yoga/go for walk.
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