Hi, lybrate user,
Tk, plenty of water to hydrate your body eliminating toxins to regulate your period.
Its dimension is to be assessed , first ,most of the lumps can't be declared as cancerous unless , examined through memeography and FNAC to assess its axact condition .
Tumor might be associated with white or bloody discharge from nipples .
Reduce ,your weight , if you are obeased .
Take, Haldi(curcumine), fish,tomatoes,flex seeds,spinach,Pomegranate,broccoli and blueberries.
Proper homoeopathic remedies can assist, you , successfully, reviewing your reportés , privetly in this regard,please.
Till then,take homoeopathic medicine, underlying:
@ Acid nit 30ch-5 drops, thrice.
Avoid , junk food, spicy and fried food.
TK, Care.