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One Touch Select Simple Device (Box of 10 Test strips Free) One Touch Select Simple Device (Box of 10 Test strips Free)

One Touch Select Simple Device (Box of 10 Test strips Free)

Quantity Description: packet of 1 Device
Manufacturer: Johnson & Johnson Ltd
Price: ₹ 1390.0

Information about One Touch Select Simple Device (Box of 10 Test strips Free)

One Touch Select Simple Device is important to measure the level of blood glucose levels. It serves as a self-testing method and is reliable to be used along with a blood glucose monitor. The device helps to give us quick and trustable results in our home only without going anywhere outside. It can be used both at professional places as well as home.

It's Simple! No-coding, no setup and no buttons. OneTouch SelectSimple has an icon-driven interface with no coding, no setup or no buttons. Just insert the strip to start, apply blood, and results can be obtained in a matter of seconds.

Specifications :

  1. High-low colour and audio alerts - With colour and audio alerts, you are alerted when blood glucose levels are extremely high, high or low.
  2. High-low alarm reference card - It allows your doctor to customise your action plan empowering you to better understand what corrective steps to undertake when alerted of extremely high or low blood glucose levels. So you can address hypo- and hyper-glycemic episodes immediately, based on your doctor's advice.
  3. Fast results - An accurate result in just 5 seconds.

Kit Includes:

  • Lancing Device
  • 10 Sterile Lancets
  • Case
  • Owner s Guide

Directions for use :

  • We have to insert the strip first in the glucometer.
  • Apply the blood over the strip by pricking the fingers.
  • Reading can be seen immediately on the screen.

Safety informations :

  • Labels should be read carefully before use.
  • The device should be kept unreachable to the children.
  • Refrigeration should be avoided.
  • It should be stored in a cool as well as dry place.
  • Expiry date should be checked before using it.
Ques: What is One Touch Select Simple Device ?
Ans: One Touch Select Simple Device is the simplest way of monitoring our blood glucose levels which is reliable as well as convenient.
Ques: What are the uses of One Touch Select Simple Device ?
Ans: One Touch Select Simple Device is a self testing method which is used to monitor the concentration of glucose in our blood in a simple and convenient way.
Ques: What are the storage instructions of One Touch Select Simple Device ?
Ans: One Touch Select Simple Device should be stored in a cool dry place in a capped vial at a temperature between 4 to 30 degrees Celsius.
Ques: Can the strips in One Touch Select Simple Device be reused ?
Ans: No. The strips are just for single use and hence can?t be reused. Reusing the strip will not provide us accurate results, hence it should be avoided.
Ques: How does One Touch Select Simple Device work ?
Ans: One Touch Select Simple Device works by an action of enzyme glucose oxidase present in the test strips present in glucometer. The enzyme reacts with the blood glucose and gives results which appear as an electronic signal on the monitor.
Ques: How often can we use One Touch Select Simple Device ?
Ans: The frequency of the use of One Touch Select Simple Device depends upon the type of diabetes a person is suffering from. In case of diabetes type 1, we can use it more than one time a day while in case of diabetes type 2, we can use it once a day or thrice a day depending upon the severity.
Ques: What are the special precautions we should take before using One Touch Select Simple Device ?
Ans: The special precautions include proper checking of the expiry date of the device and using it within 6 months of opening it.
Ques: What benefits can we get from using One Touch Select Simple Device ?
Ans: One Touch Select Simple Device is one the best and simplest methods to monitor our blood glucose levels and manage diabetes. It enables you to check the glucose levels anytime anywhere. It is portable and can be carried anywhere. We can keep an eye on the glucose levels in case of diabetes by regular monitoring of it.
Ques: Is there accuracy with the readings of One Touch Select Simple Device ?
Ans: Yes, One Touch Select Simple Device gives us reliable and trustworthy readings regarding the measurement of blood glucose levels.
Ques: Does One Touch Select Simple Device keep the record of previously measured readings ?
Ans: Yes, One Touch Select Simple Device has memory options to keep a record of our previous readings, which enables us to manage diabetes in a better way.

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You do not have too high BP and and both reading should be told to advise. You can do a TMT to decide if you can do exertion ad if ther is any heart issue /.You need to have diet plan based on your BMI & activities. Whatever we eat is metabolised by the body for the energy needed to do daily work and the excess is stored as fat. Abdomen is the first place to gain weight and last to disappear. In brief, Weight reduction can be achieved only by reducing the intake of food 1/3 of what you take now. And by appropriate exercise plans for each part like belly, thighs, legs / chest etc. To burn off fat. Some tips 1) Drink three or four cups of water whenever you feel hungry and just before eating food 2) Take boiled or raw vegetable like cucumber, carrot etc. As half of your diet. Then take 1/2 of your total diet as sprouted pulses / proteinaceous food like roti, cooked pulses and remaining with rice or other carbohydrates. Oil or ghee etc. Should be just bare minimum. And do aerobic exercises, running, jogging or at least walking briskly 3-5 KMs and swimming if possible, and in a gym if feasible. The most important is to burn off the energy intake by exercises. There is no short cut or medicines without exercise & dieting to take just as mush food as needed for your activities. The food we eat is utilised for our energy needs and the remaining will be stored as fat which leads to obesity. It is better to do some tests. A DIET CHART TimingFoods To EatCalories Early MorningLukewarm Water with Lemon 1 glass0 Tea without Sugar + 2 Biscuits90 Breakfast2 Rotis + 1/2 cup Paneer Curry330 ORBrown Bread Upma 1 plate + Milk 1 cup300 Mid-Morning1 Banana/1/2 cup Melon/20 Grapes50 LunchBrown Rice 1 cup (195 gm) + Mixed Vegetables 1/2 cup + Salad 1 bowl + Raita 1 small bowl345 EveningButter Milk 1 cup35 Dinner2 Rotis + Vegetable Soup 1 bowl + Salad 1 bowl370 Total1220/1190 Cal To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume. One pound equals 3,500 calories. If you cut 500 a day from your diet, you'll lose a pound a week. People who lose weight slowly, about 1 to 2 pounds per week, are more successful at keeping the weight off. You'll also burn additional calories if you increase your physical activity. You weight-loss plan should do all of the following: ?Emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products. ?Include lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. ?Contain foods low in saturated fats, avoid trans fats, and limit cholesterol and salt (sodium). ?Avoid refined sugars and processed foods. Some tips to help you lose weight: ?Keep a food diary. Writing down everything you eat is critical! Noting how you feel when you eat will help you identify emotional triggers that may cause you to overeat. Emotional eaters tend to overeat. ?Eat when you're truly hungry rather than when you're tired, anxious or stressed. ?Eat slowly. If you eat too fast, you eat more than you need to satisfy your hunger. Your brain needs time to catch up with your stomach. ?Plan your meals ahead of time so you make healthy choices. When dining out, check the menu online and decide what you will order before you sit down. Ask for dressings on the side. Opt for foods that are baked, broiled or steamed versus fried or swimming in creamy sauces. Avoid chips and bread baskets?they add unnecessary calories. ?Stay hydrated. People often mistake thirst for hunger. ?Eat breakfast. If you skip this meal, you'll be starving by lunchtime. You'll have more difficulty making healthy choices throughout the day. ?Find resources to help you keep track of your food choices and nutritional values, and that can offer additional support when you need it.
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My weight is 85 and I want to loose as much as possible so please give me some tips of loosing it and by simple and simple diet.

B.Sc. - Dietitics / Nutrition, Nutrition Certification,Registered Dietitian
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
My weight is 85 and I want to loose as much as possible so please give me some tips of loosing it and by simple and s...
Your weight is controlled by 4 major factors (1) refined sugar consumption (2) exercise and hydration (3) posture and sitting (4) how many times do you indulge yourself - alcohol, binge eating at parties, overeating etc. Step 01: refined sugar 1. Avoid all snacks and commercial products with sugar in them - biscuits, cakes, bournvita, horlicks, coke, pepsi, energy drinks, sweetened yogurt etc. 2. Cut down on your daily intake of tea/coffee and maintain it at 3-4 cups a day. 3. Try to add little sugar to any beverage (coffee, tea, milk, lemon water etc.) that you have and ideally you should refrain from adding any sugar altogether. Step 02: get exercise and proper hydration 1. Try to work out for 20 minutes each day. You do not necessarily have to go to the gym. You can incorporate some pretty powerful exercises in your daily routine like - squats, skipping, surya namaskar and core exercises. 2. Drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday but remember that tea/coffee are not substitutes for pure water. Step 03: improve posture and sitting habits if you have a sitting job then ensure that you do not sit for more than 30 minutes at one stretch. Get up and move a little after every 30 minutes. Step 04: stop indulging and eat more of raw natural stuff 1. No more than 60 ml of hard liqour or 2 glasses of beer per day. 2. Try to eliminate the urge to overeat but if you do overeat try to limit the incidents to two times per week. 3. Eat 4 servings of fruits per day. 4. Each of your meal should contain 50% of raw vegetables. Once you incorporate the above points in your routine you will see a dramatic difference in your weight, physical shape and energy levels. You will find that there are a lot of companies out there that are trying to sell expensive products to naive consumers in the name of weight loss. These products may not necessarily be good for you. Losing and maintaining weight is something which is totally in your hands, it is easy and it is free of cost if you follow the above mentioned points.
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I want to loose my weight and looking so handsome without any side effect in simple way. dietitics and food service management, Diabetes educator
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Bhopal
I want to loose my weight and looking so handsome without any side effect in simple way.
Hi, you should go for 45 minutes brisk walk in the morning. Do regular exercise atleast 15 minutes. Take lukewarm water with lemon in the morning. Include more fruits, sprouts and vegetables in your diet. Take salad before meals. Drink more water in a day. Don't take rice at night and don't skip breakfast. Avoid late night dinner. Take small and frequent meals.
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