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Patanjali Multani Mitti   Face Pack Patanjali Multani Mitti   Face Pack

Patanjali Multani Mitti Face Pack

Quantity Description: packet of 60 gm Face Pack
Manufacturer: Patanjali Ayurved Limited
Price: ₹ 60.0

Information about Patanjali Multani Mitti Face Pack

Patanjali Multani Mitti Face Pack is a unique blend of minerals and clay for youthful glowing skin. Gairika (Mineral Clay) tautens the skin enhances blood circulation. Fuller earth removes deep impurities, cools and soothes the skin. Aloe Vera possesses softening, healing and nourishing properties. Minerals like Zinc oxide, aluminium and magnesium rejuvenates, repair& nourishes skin.
Key Benefits:
Makes skin soft and smooth.
Cleanses well and gives a fresh, radiant look to the face.
Mild pleasant fragrance.
Perfect consistency and easy application.
Directions of use:
Apply this pack on wet skin. This is necessary because multani mitti can be very drying for the skin and can make it stretchy.
Also, this pack dries up way too quickly if used on dry skin. If applied on wet skin, it stays on for at least 10 minutes.

Use under Medical supervision.

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Popular Questions & Answers

My face got red marks due to pimples and acne on nose . I'm using multani mitti pack from a long time. But it is not helping to stop pimples and giving it a clear face. I need a best solution plz.

B.Sc.- Food & Nutrition, M.Sc- Food Science & Nutrition, NET (LS)
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Kolkata
My face got red marks due to pimples and acne on nose . I'm using multani mitti pack from a long time. But it is not ...
Our skin health is dependent on our nutritional status too. It is not just external but internal care that is needed. 1. Avoid junk/ processed/ready to eat/fried/fatty/ oily/ sugary foods, table salt, soft & hard drinks, sweets, chocolates, ice cream 2. Drink 3 litres water daily 3. Have lots of fresh fruits, fruit juices, coconut water, vegetables, vegetable juice, soup, stock, stew, green/white/herbal tea, dal, buttermilk, lassi, milk/milkshake. 4. Exercise daily for 1/2 hr.
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There is a some darks spots on my face! Left by the pimples. Nd some pimples also. My face is getting dark compare to my body. I HV use lots of fash wash and patanjali product as well. Now I use multani mitti. Nd it helps me a little bit. please suggest me what to do ? Please please. I will be highly thankful to you!

MD - Ayurveda, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurveda, Bhavnagar
There is a some darks spots on my face! Left by the pimples. Nd some pimples also. My face is getting dark compare to...
Dark circle is a symptom of udavarta (improper functions of all vaat). It's mainly due to 1) dharniya vega (urges, should b controlled, we you aren't) like chinta-stress, bhaya-fear, shoka-, krodha-short temper, maan- ego, lobha-greedy etc mental condition you should control yourself 2) adharniya vega (urges that should not be controlled, but we are controling) like sleep, urine, stool, hunger, thirst, yawn, sneeze, vomit etc. Think deeply. It's a very spiritual concept main treatment is to stop causative factor among this. So manage your sleep & time. Also there are some ayurveda medicine, lepa-cream, face treatment, or panchakarma (detoxification) will definitely help you you can use kumkumadi ointment of nagarjun pharma. It will lighten your circle. I am giving you some more tips, follow it. * eat turmeric 1 tsp before meal * eat ajvayan 1 tsp & jeera 1 tsp after each meal * avoid sour salty spice food * avoid curd, but take butter milk * use only cow milk & ghee * avoid stress, late sleep, day sleep, oily food, cold water * for local application you can use triphala, yastimadhu, lodhra, nimb powder mix with buttermilk for better suggestions & medicine
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I am having lots of pimples on my face suddenly and I do not know why. I have tried lots of home remedy like scandal powder, rose face pack, neem face pack, multani mitti, besan face pack, tomato face pack, even I applied potato on my face, I took massage cream of biotiqe oil and applied on regular day wise bht I seems to be no change. My face is looking bad and they are leaving marks on my face. Black marks of pimples and my face is looking very bad. Sir can you please suggest some thing so that it could be reduced and I also want to know that what should I eat and what should I avoid to eat so that it gets reduced. Also I want to know what should I eat to get glowing skin also glowing face. Please help me n suggest some thing.

Homeopath, Kolkata
I am having lots of pimples on my face suddenly and I do not know why. I have tried lots of home remedy like scandal ...
Please follow the following in respect to your queries: 1. Clean your face twice a day using lukewarm water to dissolve oil. 2. Avoid touching your face with your hands as this germs to your facial skin, making it to breakouts. 3. Ensure that you drink 10-12 glasses of water daily. 4. Avoid fried and spicy food. 5. Include fruits, raw vegetables and fresh vegetable juices in your diet. 6. Avoid harsh skin products. Take homeopathic medicine nat mur 30 (4 drops in little water) twice daily update after 2 weeks. Consult me for homeopathic treatment. Recommend me by clicking on recommend option and leave feedback.
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I have lots of acne marks on my face n I am fed up with these pimples can anyone help me out that how could I remove these marks. I keep applying multani mitti n face packs on my face but it doesn't work please tell me about any cream or something which will remove my acne marks Please.

Homeopath, Faridabad
I have lots of acne marks on my face n I am fed up with these pimples can anyone help me out that how could I remove ...
Hi,Acne is the most common teenage problem.Acne is a result of a blockage in the follicles or the pores on the skin. It includes whiteheads, pimples, blackheads and rashes, and occurs usually on the face, chest. Homoeopathy cures acne conditions like blackheads, whiteheads, skin rashes and oily skin very effectively. *Treatment part for the acne -- 1. Take kali brom 30 ch , (wsi) 3 drops daily morning empty stomach. 2. Take Berberis Aquafolium Q 10 drops with water twice a day. * Management part for the acne-- 1.drink 10 to 12 glasses of water daily. 2. Eat healthy and balanced diet including whole grain meals , green leafy vegetables and fruits. 3. avoid oily , junk and spicy food. *Home remedy for acne-- Crush coriander leaves and take out its juice, then mix it with a pinch of turmeric powder , now apply on acne at night. Take care.

I am 28 yr old married women. My skin is very sensitive and little oily. When I clean my face with face wash or multani mitti, it will look clean for an hour, after that started becoming dull and black. Earlier my complexion was wheatish, but now it has become black. There is no glow on face. please suggest.

MD - Dermatology
Dermatologist, Pathanamthitta
I am 28 yr old married women. My skin is very sensitive and little oily. When I clean my face with face wash or multa...
Avoid cosmetics and over the counter face products. Overwashing won't remove pimples or spots. You need to use cold water and wash face with a salicylic acid containing wash twice a day and not more. It vil help reduce the oiliness to a large degree. U can also use a natural face pack of orange,honey and curd for fifteen minutes once a week and wash it off.This vil decrease the oil,whiten and moisturise ur skin.
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