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Quanto Diab Forte Capsule Quanto Diab Forte Capsule

Quanto Diab Forte Capsule

Quantity Description: packet of 60 capsules
Manufacturer: Quantum Naturals India Pvt Ltd
Price: ₹ 1075.0

Information about Quanto Diab Forte Capsule

Quanto Diab Forte Capsule combines the goodness of well-known anti-diabetic herbs which helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels effectively. Each capsule of Quanto Diab Forte contains pure and natural extracts of Fenugreek, Bitter Gourd and Cinnamon.

Quanto Diab Forte is fortified with Saponins and Amino acids which are extracted from Fenugreek and is rich in natural minerals. Quanto Diab Forte also supports vitals like liver and pancreas. Quanto Diab Forte is 100% natural and free from chemicals and heavy metals.

Amino acids from Fenugreek Reduces glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) levels
Saponins from Fenugreek Increases insulin sensitivity
Charantins from Bitter Gourd Increases glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis
Flavonoids from Cinnamon Regulates blood glucose levels

Direction for use:
1 (one) capsule twice daily, 30 minutes before meals or recommended by your healthcare professional. Persons on anti-diabetic medication can safely use this product as an adjuvant therapy.

Use under medical supervision

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PGDHM, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MD - Internal Medicine
General Physician, Ahmedabad
In diabetes we can give protein rich diet, unless there is no other co morbotiy like Diabetic Nephropathy or allied disease. Thanks Dr J Rangwala
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AUTLS, CCEDM, MD - Internal Medicine, MBBS
General Physician, Faridabad
Get your hba1c checked and take medication after consulting a doctor. Its better if you start early. You can prevent and delay the damages caused by diabetes in the long run.

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General Physician, Mumbai
My grandfather is 69 years old he is suffering with diabities what is   food for him.
We need to control sugar levels with medication exercise and following a diabetic diet and he can eat food with low glycemic index levels.

Hi i am 50 years old suffering diabities and suffocation when I take aerocort inhalar i am relief in diabities I take gemer fort 1, 2 times a day my blood sugar is fasting 145 post lunch 250 please suggest what to do for both problem ?

MD - Pathology, MBBS
Pathologist, Ahmedabad
Exercise and diet restriction with medicine to keep blood sugar level within normal range. Aerocort is not suppose to cause suffocation. Probably might be something wrong with method of taking aerocort.

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General Physician, Delhi
Please add zomelis m 500 mg twice daily. It will definitely control your sugar levels both fasting & pp.
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