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Quantum Diabodelite Cookies Vanilla Quantum Diabodelite Cookies Vanilla

Quantum Diabodelite Cookies Vanilla

Quantity Description: packet of 200 gm Biscuit
Manufacturer: Quantum Naturals India Pvt Ltd
Price: ₹ 160.0

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Information about horlicks mother s powder vanilla horlicks mother s powder is a nutritional beverage that is scientifically designed especially for the nutritional needs of pregnant and lactating women.

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor,
Information about horlicks mother s powder vanilla
horlicks mother s powder is a nutritional beverage that is scienti...
It is not a nutritional beverage. It has escess of sugar and other additives which may harm. Don't take it.
2 people found this helpful

Last march my angiography been taken so there are four blocks accordingly I am taking medicine three times a day. Is there any possibility of reducing the quantum of medicines? Moreover I am not able to take my food as earlier.

PhD, Human Energy Fields, Diploma in PIP, EFI, Aura scanning for Health evaluation; Energy field assessment, Fellowship Cardiac Rehabilitation, Cardiac Rehabilitation, MD (Ayur - Mind Body Med), Mind Body Medicine
Non-Invasive Conservative Cardiac Care Specialist, Pune
Last march my angiography been taken so there are four blocks accordingly I am taking medicine three times a day. Is ...
Dear . Yes. You can reduce medicines. But only if your health changes. If the blockages reduce and cause of blockages. All these are possible and verified. See healthsolutions. Improving your overall health is paramount. Regards.

Doctor I have gerd and I am in poor diet because of low appetite. Maximum foods make my gastritis worse .so I was taking oziva chocolate flavour protein powder but after 3 months my gastritis worse. So now I want to take oziva vanilla flavour protein powder for my poor diet. Can I take vanilla flavour instead of chocolate flavour. Will vanilla flavour make me again gastritis?

DHMS (Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery)
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
Doctor I have gerd and I am in poor diet because of low appetite. Maximum foods make my gastritis worse .so I was tak...
Your gerd and gastritis. Processed foods and protein are harmful to you. Take home made nutritious food. Fruits and vegetables are good. Very effective treatment is available in homoeopathy for this chronic problem. Many Lybrate users are taking homeopathic treatment for this. Homeopathic treatment is painless and safe. No side effects. In fact, many times, you will have side benefits while taking treatment for the main issue. You need comprehensive treatment and it takes some time. Please start taking homeopathic medicine, preliminary dose arsenicum album 200-once daily in the morning for 5 days. Consult me through Lybrate by booking online consultation-(commencing from text consult rs 149) for further more comprehensive prescription and treatment.

I am diabetic- type 2. Can I have rice and potato in a day? What is the quantum of rice one should have in a day?

General Physician, Jalgaon
I am diabetic- type 2. Can I have rice and potato in a day? What is the quantum of rice one should have in a day?
Please Yes you can but take them in frequently Not daily Take around 50 gms rice 50 to 75 gms potatoes

My penis after erection its size is 4.5 inches width is 10 cms and semen count is as low quantum is any problem in future While sex.

BASM, MD, MS (Counseling & Psychotherapy), MSc - Psychology, Certificate in Clinical psychology of children and Young People, Certificate in Psychological First Aid, Certificate in Positive Psychology, Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health
Psychologist, Palakkad
My penis after erection its size is 4.5 inches width is 10 cms and semen count is as low quantum is any problem in fu...
Dear lybrate user. I can understand. Don't worry. Your penis size is average. Even an erect penis having size of 2 inches will be able to satisfy any woman. Size never determines your sexual ability. You must also understand that the quantity or thickness of semen also not detrimental in sexual ability. Quantity of semen varies based on many factors including hydration, stress, tiredness, frequency of sex or masturbation etc. I suggest online sexological counseling. Take care.
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