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Salin Gel Salin Gel

Salin Gel

Quantity Description: tube of 15 gm Gel
Manufacturer: West-Coast Pharmaceutical Works Ltd
Price: ₹ 35.0

Information about Salin Gel

Salin is a nasal gel which contains sodium chloride as active ingredient. It is widely recognized as an excellent method to treat nasal symptoms associated with stuffy nose and crusty secretions that often accompany a cold, the flu, and allergies or during pregnancy. It produces an action that will soothe the dry nasal passages and gently wash away dust, pollen, and irritants naturally. It helps decongest and drain blocked nasal passages and provides instant relief for pressure and pain.

Under doctor supervision and direction, it can be used as follow up treatment to sinus or nose surgery or for sinus infections to relieve symptoms associated with nose polyps. It can aIso be used after the excessive use of cold medicines such as nose sprays and drops.

Use under medical supervision.

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