Information about SBL Rhus Venenata Dilution 200CH
Rhus Venenata is mainly indicated for skin symptoms which are very severe. It is made from the Poison elder plant.
The following skin symptoms are treated with this homeopathic medicine
Vesicles (fluid filled eruptions), bacterial infections with redness (erysipelas)
Severe itching which is better by hot water
Vesicular inflammation on the face, scalp and ear with great itching and oozing of yellow watery serum from the ears
Spots and eruptions of red patches seen on the arm and thigh, which are very painful on touching
Erythema nodosum (nodules) after a typhoid infection
Tongue is red at the tip with vesicles on the under side
Fissures on the tongue
Burning as if the mouth has been scalded
Dose- As prescribed by physician. Can be taken with allopathic medicines.
Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine.
Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing
Side effects- None reported
Use under medical Supervision