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Veba Plus Tablet Veba Plus Tablet

Veba Plus Tablet

Quantity Description: strip of 15 tablets
Manufacturer: Blue Cross Laboratories Ltd
Price: ₹ 54.0

Information about Veba Plus Tablet

Veba-Plus Tablet contains Calcium Citrate Malate, Vitamin D3, Magnesium hydroxide, Zinc, Copper and Boron.

Role of Active Ingredients:
Vitamin D is important for maintaining proper calcium amount in the body. While Vitamin D plays an important role in regulating calcium balance and maintaining bone metabolism, elemental calcium makes up for the calcium deficiency.
Calcium Citrate Malate show higher water solubility & offers highly bioavailable calcium. Calcium plays a very important role in the body. It is necessary for normal functioning of nerves, cells, muscle, and bone. If there is not enough calcium in the blood, then the body will take calcium from bones, thereby weakening bones.
Other minerals like zinc, magnesium, copper and Boron are necessary for bone mineralization and bone matrix formation.

Veba-Plus Tablet is recommended as a Calcium and Mineral supplement in:
Pregnancy & Lactation
Elderly Patients
Prevention and treatment of Postmenopausal osteoporosis and Senile osteoporosis

One Veba-Plus tablet, to be taken twice daily

Use under medical supervision

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Popular Questions & Answers

Hello, I am 45 years female having a overweight problem. (5ft / 70 kgs) have gone through hystectomy operation in 2012. Currently my throid level is 4.16 and doctors have asked me to reduce the weight because I am suffering from knee pain recently. Can I get the solution / guidance to loose weight so that I can have my throid controlled as I have started walking daily as an exercise. My job profile is alsways at the desk. Also I need a solution for my knee pain problem. Currently I am taking calcium supplementary called glucosamine tablets.

MBBS, CCEBDM, Diploma in Diabetology, Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics, Cetificate Course In Thyroid Disorders Management (CCMTD)
Endocrinologist, Hubli-Dharwad
Hello, I am 45 years female having a overweight problem. (5ft / 70 kgs) have gone through hystectomy operation in 201...
Your BMI is 30.30kg/m2 which is showing you are obese. The ways to reduce weight are mainly two 1) reduce the food intake, 2) exercise and burn extra calories. There are drugs like orlistat tabs which does help in reduction of weight (about 6 kg in a year), but has certain side effects. Since you complain of knee pain, can try some stretching exercises and abdominals which do not put strain on knees. Also alternately join yoga classes learn asanas that help. Set a target of reducing 2 kgs per month, that can be achieved by cutting down 550 calories from your daily intake. Your caloric intake daily should not exceed 1000 calories and exercising has to continue. Glucosamine is not calcium supplement, it is supposed to help cartilage building but evidence is not there. Calcium tabs can tab veba plus daily one for a few months.
2 people found this helpful

I am 28 years old woman. I have regular pain in legs and backbone. I have thyroid problem. For which I take throxin75. I have 2 years old baby to whom I breastfeed also so is it due to calcium loss. What should I do?

MBBS, CCEBDM, Diploma in Diabetology, Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics, Cetificate Course In Thyroid Disorders Management (CCMTD)
Endocrinologist, Hubli-Dharwad
I am 28 years old woman. I have regular pain in legs and backbone. I have thyroid problem. For which I take throxin75...
Hi with dose of thyroxine 75 mcg is your tsh normal? if so then continue the same. Back ache is usually due to no specific exercise to those muscles plus improper postures. You may start a schedule of exercises for abdomen and lower back. Also start on tablet veba plus daily one for about 3 - 4 months.

Hi, I'm 55 years old Pancreatic (Takes Panlipase 25000 trice daily) & Diabetic (take basalog 14 units at bedtime & mixtard hm 14 units before lunch) patient. Some times I feel pain in my hand finger joints & in shoulders. So doctor did all the tests and did not find anything. So he suggested for some calcium tablets (Veba Plus - Calcium citrate malate, Vit D3, Magnesium hydroxide, Zinc, Copper and Boron.) once daily Shall I take the medicines or taking this medicines can deposit calcium in inappropriate places of my body?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Certificate of Stree Rog & Prasuti Tantra
Ayurveda, Bangalore
Hi, I'm 55 years old Pancreatic (Takes Panlipase 25000 trice daily) & Diabetic (take basalog 14 units at bedtime & mi...
Yes you can take some ayurvedic medicines along with your allopathic medicines you r taking for diabetes in place of calcium tablets you can take tab asthiposhak 1bd tab rhumalaya forte and mahamanjisthadi kashay twice daily if you will go for panchakarma therapy you will get quick results.
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