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Zandu Sudarshan Tablet Zandu Sudarshan Tablet

Zandu Sudarshan Tablet

Quantity Description: strip of 40 tablets
Manufacturer: Zandu Pharmaceutical Works Ltd
Price: ₹ 45.0

Information about Zandu Sudarshan Tablet

Zandu Sudarshan tablet is an Ayurvedic medication with Swertia chirata being the main ingredient. Swertia chirata is a potent antiviral herb which is beneficial in reducing fever.
Zandu Sudarshan tablets are indicated for treating fever associated with dyspepsia, anorexia fatigue and Nausea. It boosts immunity to fight against allergens and infections.
Benefits of Sudarshan Tablets:
Improves immunity build-up.
Helps protect the body from common infections like Cold, Body aches etc.
Helps recovery from infections and chronic illness.
Helps reduce stress & fatigue, act as antioxidant.
Boosts immunity to fight against allergens and infections.
Preventive and supportive during epidemic of malaria, allergic cough & cold.

Directions of use: Recommended dose is1 to 4 tablets thrice a day.
Regular use of Sudarshan tablets will help you remain healthy and lead an active life.

Use under medical supervision.

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zandu pancharist syrup is good for helth so please tell me i am taking for acidity

Ayurveda, Bangalore
zandu pancharist syrup is good for helth  so please tell me i am taking for acidity
Hi, Yes, it can be taken. It helps to digest the food and avoids gaseous accumulation in the stomach.
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Can I use zandu lalima blood purifier for fair skin? will there be any side effects?

Fellowship in diagnostic dermatology and dermatopathology, Fellowship in pediatric dermatology, Diploma In Dermatology And Venerology And Leprosy (DDVL), MBBS
Dermatologist, Mumbai
Can I use zandu lalima blood purifier for fair skin? will there be any side effects?
No. You should not use such preparations as they may contain heavy metals which may do more harm than good. Consult a dermatologist for any skin related issues.
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Dear sir, madam, zandu shilajit capsule vs dabur shilajit gold capsule which is better?

MD-Ayurveda, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)
Sexologist, Haldwani
Dear sir, madam,
zandu shilajit capsule vs dabur shilajit gold capsule which is better?
Hello- none of the above. Ayurveda does not means random otc products. The only person that will benefit out of these is the company. Better to consult a qualified ayurveda doctor before wasting money on these products.

I am getting head pain from two day I was used all zandu blams and tablets but no change can you please help me with it?

General Physician, Delhi
I am getting head pain from two day I was used all zandu blams and tablets but no change can you please help me with it?
Common causes of headache are , sinusitis, anxiety, tensions, migraine, cold, cluster headaches, high BP. Get ur blood pressure checked too. If nasal congestion, take steam inhalation twice daily. Take over-the-counter painkiller if intolerable pain. If any other symptoms eg vomittings,black outs,intolerable to light..migraine to be ruled out. Take adequate rest in a quiet room. Hope this helps u. If required, consult with details.
1 person found this helpful

Hi, Suddenly got cold with temperature, took tablet for cold and ayurvedic tab Sudarshan ghanvati yet not fully cured.

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurveda, Jaipur
Hi, Suddenly got cold with temperature, took tablet for cold and ayurvedic tab Sudarshan ghanvati yet not fully cured.
With sudarshan ghanvati you also need to take mrityunjay ras 2 tb three times a day. Giloy ghan vati 2 tb twice a day empty stomach. Godanti bhasma 125 mg twice a day empty stomach with honey .mahasudarshan kaadha 4 tsf with equal amounts of water after light meals twice a day. You will be cured completely. Take care.
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