Dear ,
this means you have anal fissure which is due to constipation with passage of hard faeces. This is not a disease but lifestyle problem and it would need changing. Here are few suggestions:
1. Increase fluid intake till urine is watery white.
2. Take high fiber diet like salads, leafy vegetable and fruits especially papita, banana, mango, 3. Take emoliant laxative like cremaffin plus 1 tsf at night
4. Isabgol powder 3-4 tsf in 2oo ml of water at night
5. Zincal ointment to applied inside anus twice a day especially before toilet.
6. Get away from sedentary lifestyle and start walking or exercises.
7 if needed take sitz' bath- sitting in tubful of warm water for 15-20 minutes.
8. Avoid taking pain killers and antispasmodic drugs