please give me advice
doctor I had a brief unprotected male to male anal sex. I was the bottom partner
I got scared and I had my partner hiv1 2 antibody screening test that came out negative with index value of 0.8
do not know whether he was in window period or not
after one month of exposure I had mine duo 4 gen hiv test. That taken out negative
after 93 days of my exposure I had mine antibody hiv 1 2 screening test
that too came out negative
but doctor after this test I have muscles pain (in back as well) flu type symptoms and mouth sores
I am dying of tension
please tell
has this virus become active now after three months
please suggest.
You are HIV negative, provided you did not have another risky episode (s) in last 90 days.
Think of other STDS - HIBV, HCV, Syphilis etc.
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