After 90 days of my exposure I did hiv ag/ab combo, vdrl, hbv are negative. At 84th day I did hsv igg 1 and 2 index value = 0.58 negative from Lal path labs. Should I need to repeat the test for hsv?

5 Doctors Answered
Free from this infection no repeat.
1 person  found this helpful
No it may be conclusive.
You need not repeat the test and you have no HIV.
Dear user. Thanks for the question. HIV spread through Contact between broken skin, wounds, or mucous membranes and HIV-infected blood or blood-contaminated body fluids. Deep, open-mouth kissing if both partners have sores or bleeding gums and blood from the HIV-positive partner gets into the bloodstream of the HIV-negative partner. HIV is not spread through saliva.
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