I am 25 years old and got married last year on december 4th. In april I got pregnant and took unwanted 72 kit to abort the baby. Now I am pregnant again its already been 2 months 2 weeks already but me and my husband are not ready for a baby yet due to lots of financial and personal issues and want to abort the child with medical help. Kindly tell me can I take pills to abort it again. And please prescribe me any other medicine which can lessen the side effect of these abortion pills so that I would conceive after a year or 2 when we are mentally and financially ready for our first child.

1 Doctor Answered
Ideally you should not abort this pregnancy, unless and until there are some unavoidable circumstances. As your duration of pregnancy is around 10 weeks you will have to go for surgical abortion, medical abortion can be safely done upto 7 weeks pregnancy If you go for abortion then adopt a contraceptive method to avoid unwanted pregnancy.
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