Hello doctor hiv doubt, I want to massage service. After completing the massage the girl gave me hand job for 3 minutes and I ejaculated. After washing my hand and her hand after 5 mins I checked her hand there was cut on top of her index finger. The cut is almost healed it is in slight black color. Once I press the cut blood was not coming out from it. I asked the girl when it was happens she told the cut happens 5 days ago. With the same hand only she gave hand job. Also she did not touch my urethra and glans while giving hand job. (no sex or oral sex or kiss) considering the above situation is there any risk for hiv?

2 Doctors Answered
No worries no chance of hiv.
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Low chance but one can not say 0 % as it depends on her being positive and microabrasions(can not be seen with naked eyes) of both
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