My son had a problem of not lifting right hand middle finger from 2 years one month back he noticed he can't able to raise middle ring n little finger. So we consulted many doctors n they told that he had ahc disease n it is slowly progressing n they gave medications rilutor 50 mg. Suddenly yesterday he. Can't able to lift index finger also. Is there any solution to my son's problem?

2 Doctors Answered
Your son's problem of not lifting right hand middle finger from 2 years; one month back he noticed he can't able to raise middle ring n little finger and yesterday he could not lift index finger also. Homeopathy has got treatment for your son's problem. No side effects.Please take homeopathic medicine, preliminary dose, Rhus tox 200-once daily in the morning for 5 days. Consult me through Lybrate by booking online consultation-(text consult Rs 149) for further more comprehensive prescription and treatment.
Kindly make and send video clip over private consult of the same for proper analysis and required medication thereupon.
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