Hi, my wife 19 th month pregnant. We did anomaly scanning. All d report normal. But amniotic fluid index moderately reduced. In first two scan amniotic fluid index normal. But in 19 th week amniotic fluid reduced. So is it safe or what? How to increase amniotic fluid index. So is it normal or what?
When pregnancy occurs along with the baby, a structure named placenta is formed. This placenta is the one which forms the amniotic fluid. The baby passes urine which also maintains the amniotic fluid volume. So if the amniotic fluid is reduced it means there could be a problem with the placental function or baby's kidneys or both. Anomaly scan determines structure of a baby and its organs, even if it is normal it cannot say anything about function.
It is better to take medicines to improve the amniotic fluid and if it does, to keep it in normal limits.
If the amniotic fluid goes down further, to become severe oligohydramnios, at times it is an indication to terminate the pregnancy.
So keep a watch and ask your wife to take 2.5 liters of water daily along with emdicines prescribed by your gynecologist.
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