Bariatric surgery has benefits other than weight loss
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Weight gain is a complicated issue. It can bring down overall quality of life and also bring in a host of other medical issues. Therefore, controlling weight can pave way to improved quality of life including improved physical activity, reducing associated diseases like heart and respiratory diseases. In morbidly obese, bariatric surgery is probably the only effective treatment option. Have a detailed discussion with your doctor to identify if you qualify for bariatric surgery.
Who is an ideal candidate for bariatric surgery?
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Morbid obesity is not an isolated condition. It brings with it a host of other conditions and reduced physical activity. This leads to respiratory issues, lipid abnormalities, heart disease, etc.
What are some of the benefits of bariatric surgery?
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As noted above, weight control helps in improving overall quality of life. The condition of your heart, joints, bones and breathing improves after surgery. The control over diabetes is also improved. Physical activity levels also improve, which again has advantages to overall health. The benefits of weight loss should not be seen at in isolation but in toto.
Weight gain has an emotional component to a person s well-being
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Though weight is a physical attribute, there are more non-physical implications. For some, even looking at an obese image in the mirror can be demotivating. In others obesity may limit social life and emotional wellbeing, which can be demotivating for a person.
What are some possible preventive measures to take after bariatric surgery?
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Your bariatric surgeon needs to explain what to expect after surgery to prepare you mentally and physically. The doctor will also suggest certain diet changes, such as avoiding or reducing carbonated drinks, fruit juices and alcohol etc. It is always better to be prepared for what to expect by a detailed discussion with your doctor prior to the surgery.