MD - Oncology, Senior Residency in Radiation Oncology
Oncologist, Bhubaneswar
18 years experience
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What are some risk factors for breast cancer?
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Breast cancer is one of the most feared health issue in a woman, especially if there is a family member with it. This risk increases as the age increases (above 50) and is further upped in females who smoke and are sedentary. Prior history of radiation and non-breast feeding females further are at greater risk. History of hormone replacement therapy, especially post menopause, also adds to the risk of developing breast cancer. Breast cancer is best prevented and/or detected early by periodic screening in women with risk of breast cancer.
What are some treatment options for breast cancer?
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Breast cancer is definitely curable. Treatment modality would depend on the stage at which it is identified. A combination of therapies including surgery, radiation, and/or chemotherapy is usually used. Recurrence is highly common, and so lifestyle changes including quitting smoking, reduced alcohol, weight management, and increased physical activity are essential. As with any cancer, early detection is the key to complete cure of breast cancer.
One can detect breast cancer on their own
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Though mammogram is advised for any woman above the age of 35, self-breast exams are one of the best ways to detect them. Any woman can learn to do these effectively and keep a regular watch for changes in her breasts. These are simple to do, and most women feel comfortable doing it themselves. Learning under medical supervision and perfecting the technique helps. Ask your doctor and learn to do self-breast examination.
Breast cancer can be prevented/cured by certain foods
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Though still to be completely proven, there are certain foods which have shown to reduce the incidence or severity of cancer. These include foods which reduce the growth of cancer, reduce cellular damage, are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. If you are at risk for breast cancer, talk to your doctor about foods to avoid and include.
Early detection improves chances of complete recovery
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As with any cancer, early detection of breast cancer helps in complete cure and great prognosis. This detection can be done through mammograms, self-breast exams, or annual checkups. Being aware of the risk factors is very important, as they make one aware of the need for periodic screening. Having a family history, history of abnormal lumps on the breast, being over 50, lack of breastfeeding, use of hormone replacement therapy, etc. are some risk factors which would necessitate screening. If at risk for developing breast cancer, early detection is the key to complete recovery and avoiding recurrence.