Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS), MS - General Surgery, MBBS
General Surgeon, Mohali
30 years experience
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A partial mastectomy at an advanced stage needs to be accompanied by radiation therapy.
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There are certain advantages of getting a lumpectomy or partial mastectomy, the most prominent one is that the patient is able to retain most of her breast. But on the downside, she will also require radiation therapy to completely rid herself off the cancer. However, the patient can avoid going for radiation treatment if the cancer is in its very early stages.
If a pregnant woman has breast cancer, surgery should be put off till delivery.
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Even though breast cancer during pregnancy is a very rare phenomenon, it should be treated with greatest urgency. Breast cancer surgery during pregnancy is safe and should be opted for as soon as it is detected. However, followup procedures such as radiation therapy or hormone therapy can cause harm to the foetus during pregnancy, especially during the first few months, and must be avoided for the health and wellbeing of the growing baby.
Which of the following situations requires surgery for advanced breast cancer?
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There are certain cases when breast cancer spreads to other parts of the body and requires surgical treatment for recovery. Though surgery is very unlikely to cure breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, it can still be helpful in some situations, either as a way to slow the spread of the cancer, or to help prevent or relieve symptoms from it. If your doctor recommends surgery for advanced breast cancer, it s important that you understand its goal whether it s to try to cure the cancer or to prevent or treat symptoms.
Which of the following procedures often accompanies breast cancer surgery?
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In many cases, breast cancer often spreads to the nearby axillary lymph nodes that are found around the underarms. During the surgery to remove cancer from the breasts, your surgeon may remove and examine one or more of these lymph nodes from beneath your armpits in order to determine whether or not they have been affected by cancer. This is necessary for figuring out exactly how far the extent of the cancer is.
The goal of breast cancer surgery is not always to treat cancer.
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Like most other medical procedures, surgery for breast cancer has two main purposes prevention and treatment. After a thorough diagnosis of the condition, breast cancer surgery might be recommended for preventing certain disorders and curing other symptoms. In many cases it is even done to provide pain relief, especially when there is an open wound in the breast or on the chest due to the condition.