Nappy rash is one of the most common conditions to affect babies particularly between the ages of 9 to 12 months. Both cloth diapers and disposable diapers can cause this rash. The nappy rash usually affects the baby s genitals, outer skin folds and bottom. If left untreated this simple rash can cause bacterial infections or yeast infections. Changing a baby s diapers often can prevent diaper rash.
Nappy rash can be prevented
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Nappy rash can be caused by prolonged skin contact with dirty diapers, allergic reaction to soaps or detergents, alcohol based baby wipes or not cleaning the nappy area well enough. It can make the skin appear red and inflamed and may feel hot and sore to touch. Nappy rash can be easily prevented and treated. If your baby s rash is severe, consult a doctor who may prescribe creams or lotions to help treat the rash.
What is the best way to clean your baby s bottom
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Change wet or dirty nappies as soon as possible. In the first few months, a baby may need his nappy changed 10-12 times a day but this frequency reduces as the baby grows older. Wash your hands and place your baby on a changing pad or clean towel before taking off the dirty diaper. Use the nappy itself to clean off any remaining poo on the baby s skin. Follow this by cleaning the baby s bottom with cotton wool and warm water or alcohol-free and fragrance-free baby wipes. Clean your baby s nappy area from front to back. This is especially important for girls to ensure that infection does not get transmitted into the vagina.
It is a good idea to leave you baby without a diaper for a little while when changing diapers
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Your baby s bottom should be kept as dry as possible. If possible, leave your baby without a diaper for a little while to air dry the skin. If this is not possible, use a towel to dry baby s skin before putting on a fresh diaper. Avoid rubbing the baby s skin vigorously. Do not use talcum powder as it may contain ingredients that further irritate the skin.
Ideal nappy fitting for a baby should be
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A snug nappy will ensure that it does not rub against the skin and helps prevent nappy rash. If you re using a disposable diaper, make sure that water or cream does not get on to the sticky tabs as this keeps it from adhering to the skin. If your baby wears a cloth diaper, fit a nappy liner and then fasten the nappy. Use a safety pin to make the nappy fit snugly around the baby s legs and waist.