Fellowship In Neonatology, MRCPCH(UK), Diploma In Child Health (DCH), MBBS
Pediatrician, Delhi
39 years experience
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Which of these conditions refers to colic?
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Colic refers to severe abdominal pain and is characterized by inconsolable crying in babies. The child continues to cry even after being fed, cared for and cleaned. Take your baby to a pediatric professional in case he or she suffers from colic.
Which of these are the symptoms of colic in babies?
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When infants suffer from colic, intense crying turns out to be the most prominent symptom that one will witness. Along with crying, the infants face appears to be flushed and red. Apart from crying, passing wind, experiencing periods of discomfort and restlessness, interrupted sleep due to crying, and changes in posture such as tensed muscles in the abdomen or clenched fists, back arched are other prominent symptoms of colic. Educate yourself about this issue to take due care.
Indigestion, lactose intolerance, and poor lifestyle of the mother are often responsible for colic in infants.
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The specific cause behind colic is still unknown. However, wind or digestion issues are considered to be responsible for colic among infants. Sometimes, when the infants develop lactose intolerance or become sensitive to the substances present in the breast milk due to their immature gut, it leads to colic. Smoking during pregnancy can also cause colic in infants. Sometimes physical examination of the infant becomes necessary to understand what is causing colic.
Only infants suffer from colic.
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Though infants are the ones who mainly suffer from colic, adults too can suffer from colic. There are various types of colic that affect both infants and adults. Apart from the colic that infants suffer from, there is renal colic where stones in the kidney lead to abdominal pain, painter's colic where lead poisoning is responsible, and biliary colic, where gallstone obstruction results in abdominal pain. Though colic in infants does not have any long-term effect, still, consulting with a pediatrician can help in reliving the discomfort quickly.
Depending on the severity and probable cause of colic, the treatment for colic in infants tends to vary.
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In the majority of the cases, infants suffering from colic do not need any severe dose of medication, as the paediatrician often suggests dietary changes and digestion drops which helps in reliving the colic induced pain. If the infant requires any kind of therapy or treatment, a pediatric professional can suggest necessary steps only after identifying the probable cause. It s better to consult with a doctor before introducing any change in the diet of your infant to deal with colic.