MSC in Nutrition & Dietetics, BSc in Food Nutrition & Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Thane
12 years experience
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What kind of fruits is good for sharpening the brain?
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Fruits such as blueberries, strawberries and other berries are rich in antioxidants which are known to keep free radicals under control. The free radicals are well-know for causing brain damage. So, one should make sure to eat these fruits to keep the brain alert and prevent mental decline.
Which of the following factor(s) make junk food unfavorable in diet of students?
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Junk food is harmful to brain activity and causes learning and memory problems. It contains additives, artificial sweeteners and processed chemicals which make the child inactive and obese. These elements also interfere with the absorption of nutrients in the human body. The worst part is that such food is addictive, and thus students become addicted which is harmful to their brain and body.
A light diet is good for students who have to study for long hours.
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A light diet is recommended for students who have to study for long hours as it does not make one feel sleepy. It is also easy to digest and thus, sitting for long hours does not cause a problem with digestion.
Which of the following diet elements is known to aid healthy brain function?
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Sixty percent of the human brain is made of the omega-3 fat DHA, and thus one should include food rich in omega-3 fats to boost the brain power. These fats are not made in the body, so one has to obtain them from food sources. It ensures the general well-being of the student and prevents fatigue and poor memory.
Which of the following is a rich source of omega-3 fats?
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Omega-3 fats are found in fish which include trout, sardines, mackerel which is an animal source. Plant sources include soya beans, flax seeds and walnuts. One must include these in the diet. Vegetarians should give special focus on utilizing the plant sources.