B.Sc - Home Science, MSc - Nutrition & Food Processing, MSc - Food Production Management
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
16 years experience
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Soy can make men sterile
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Even though a few research have been conducted regarding the same, there is very little concrete evidence, which suggests that soy products harms the fertility in men. In most cases, even when the soy consumption above the normal range, there is no actual effect on the man s reproductory system. In fact, some of the studies suggest that the oestrogen from soy products may actually be helpful for men. The soy food items seem to decrease the risk from prostate gland cancer.
Soy products can disrupt reproductive development
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While there have been many claims regarding the harmful effects of soy on the reproductive systems, none of this has been proven through proper scientific research. Even though the drug increases the isoflavones of the blood and is in a position to harm the body, it nonetheless does not cause any of the disorders. In a research, breastfed babies were compared against babies who were fed soy milk. In such a case, it was discovered that both classes of the babies developed normally and did not have any growth disorders. Furthermore, the reproductive systems also developed properly and puberty was achieved at the right time of their life.
Which of these is a benefit of soy consumption?
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Soy products have a high concentration of protein, which is the main muscle-building nutrient for the body. A diet with high protein, generally results in a toned body, with limited fat composition and better muscle structure. Since, such a diet promotes the solution of fats from the body, it is also highly likely that you may lose weight when consuming a diet rich in soy products.
What is soy in its simplest form?
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Even though there are several products in the soy group, all of them originate from the soybean. This is the most basic form soy and can be ingested as well. Soybean is a staple in most Indian kitchens and acts as a good source of protein for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians.
Soy can help you get pregnant.
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Women looking to get pregnant should consume soy foods, as soy reduces the activity of Bisphenol A or BPA in the body. BPA is a compound that is mainly found in plastic water bottles and containers, which manages to seep into the body. Research has indicated that BPA severely limits the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy. Even though the exact cause for the BPA inhibition is not understood, it has been established that soy minimizes the functionality of the compound.