A component present in seafood that is important during pregnancy is
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DHA or docosahexaenoic acid is a very important compound during pregnancy. It is found in abundance in seafood. It is basically an Omega-3-fatty acid. It helps in the development of the fetus s brain, eyes and also its nervous system. It is a kind of fat that the body cannot make by itself so it has to be derived from external sources and is essential to consume the recommended quantity. Include walnuts and fish oil, rich in DHA as a part of your diet to achieve the benefits.
The nutrient that is very important during pregnancy is
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Folic acid is a superhero when it comes to pregnancy. Taking a dosage of 400 micrograms of folic acid under your doctor s supervision both before and also during the course of your pregnancy can help prevent any kind of defects to the newborn s spinal cord and brain. It also helps in an increased production of red blood cells in the body and helps in the growth of the fetus's neural tube. Your doctor would prescribe the right dosage, follow it.
Iron is highly needed during pregnancy.
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During pregnancy your blood increases by almost 50 per cent than usual. So definitely you will need enough iron to produce hemoglobin. Also during the second and third trimesters, you will need enough iron for the proper growth of your baby and placenta. Women who have insufficient iron in their body will need even more of it especially those who are anemic. Iron supplement will be prescribed during pregnancy, consume without fail.
Caffeine is good for pregnant women.
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Caffeine, being a stimulant, has been reported to increase your blood pressure and also your heart rate which can be very dangerous during pregnancy. Caffeine will also lead to frequent urination which will dehydrate your body of all the essential fluids. The baby would not be able to metabolize the caffeine which can in turn disrupt the sleeping patterns of the baby and also its normal movements during pregnancy. Caffeine is not only present in coffee but sometimes also in tea so it is better you consume fruit juices which will be much healthier.
Increase the fiber-content in your diet in the days of your pregnancy.
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Fiber should form an important part of your food when you are pregnant. It plays an important role. It will lower your constipation problems and lower blood pressure. Increasing the fiber content in your first trimester will reduce any form of pregnancy risks. It will also reduce the risk of preeclampsia in which blood pressure elevates by many folds and that would be a big problem. Consume about 25 to 35 grams of dietary fiber every day when you are pregnant. Make a diet plan and stick to it.