Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
16 years experience
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A glass of iced tea in summer does not do much good to your body
1 of 5
Doctors beg to differ on this one. A slender glass of iced tea in summer not only refreshes you but offers other health benefits as well. Studies reveal that tea (preferably iced tea) during summer helps reduce the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease and diabetes. It also gives you healthier teeth, gums, and stronger bones.
Leftovers are fine for days as long as they stay refrigerated
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Maximum foods such as cooked meat, poultry, etc. stay fresh for up to 4 days when refrigerated. After that, bacteria starts growing on them, which can make you sick. In fact, foods that are kept out in the open for more than 2 hours on a typical hot summer day, should not even be considered consumable.
Which of these foods should you avoid during summer?
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Mangoes might be a delicacy in this part of the world, but they are a body warming food and consuming too many mangoes can lead to heat pimples, especially in teenagers. Chapatis are made of wheat flour, which is not easily digestible and generates a considerable amount of body heat, thereby resulting in sickness. Coffee heats up the body, especially during summers.
Eating the wrong foods can lead to food poisoning, but it isn't a big deal
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Food poisoning is a serious health issue and results in a huge number of illnesses and deaths in a year. The bacteria present in food, the quantity you've consumed and your susceptibility to infections determine how affected you will be by food poisoning. Anyone with a weak immune system is more vulnerable to food poisoning.
Which of these are good summer foods?
5 of 5
The two antioxidants in sweet corn (lutein and zeaxanthin) help cut out some of the harmful rays from the sun. These antioxidants help reduce the chances of developing age-related blindness. Lycopene present in tomatoes (the substance, which imparts the red color to tomatoes) protects your skin from sunburn. Watermelons during summer help you stay hydrated and offer skin protection too.